Building Oregon
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- Alternative Title
- Leaburg Power Project (Leaburg, Oregon)
- Leaburg Powerhouse Complex (Leaburg, Oregon)
- Creator Display
- Raymond Emerson Koon (engineer, 1882-1963)
- John Cyprian Stevens (engineer, 1876-1970)
- Stevens & Koon (builder/contractor)
- Harry Camden Poole (artist, 1900-1943)
- A. Guthrie & Company (builder/contractor)
- Ellis Fuller Lawrence (architect, 1879-1946)
- Creator
- Photographer
- Date
- 1930
- Description
- National Register of Historic Places (Listed, 2015).
- The Leaburg Hydroelectric Project was put into service in January 1930 and continues to generate electric power as part of the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), a municipally owned utility headquartered in Eugene, Oregon. It is located along approximately five miles of the McKenzie River in the vicinity of Leaburg, and consists of the dam and powerhouse; the reservoir, canal and tailrace; and Leaburg Village, built to house dam workers. The Leaburg Hydroelectric Project was primarily constructed between 1928 and 1930. It was completed as originally envisioned in June 1950. Designed by the Portland engineering firm of Stevens & Koon, the facility is significant for its engineering design, incorporating innovative technological features such as the Broome Self-Closing Sluice Gate and three 100'-long roller gates. The powerhouse was designed by Ellis F. Lawrence, the first dean of the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The bas relief panels on the building were created by the nationally prominent sculptor Harry Camden Poole. The powerhouse is the finest example of Art Deco architecture used in an industrial setting in Oregon.
- View
- Exterior
- View Date
- 2014
- Temporal
- 1950-1959
- 1930-1939
- Subject
- Work Type
- Style / Period
- Location
- Street Address
- 42520 McKenzie Highway, Leaburg, Oregon 97489
- Use Restrictions
- This image was included in the documentation to support a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Park Service. The image is provided here by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office and the University of Oregon Libraries to facilitate scholarship, research, and teaching. For other uses, such as publication, contact the State Historic Preservation Office. Please credit the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office when using this image.
- Rights Holder
- Oregon. State Historic Preservation Office
- Identifier
- OR_Leaburg_Leaburg_Hydro_HD_0001
- Source
- Oregon. State Historic Preservation Office
- Citation
- Oregon Historic Sites Database,
- Oregon State Historic Preservation Office,
- Institution
- Submission Date
- 01/04/2023
- Modified
- 01/17/2023
- Collections
- Building Oregon (open)
Building Oregon, University of Oregon. (03 Jan 2025). Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District (Leaburg, Oregon) Retrieved from
Building Oregon, University of Oregon. "Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District (Leaburg, Oregon)" Oregon Digital. 03 Jan 2025.
Building Oregon, University of Oregon. "Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District (Leaburg, Oregon)" Oregon Digital. Accessed 2025-01-03.
{{cite web | url= | title= Leaburg Hydroelectric Project Historic District (Leaburg, Oregon) |author= |accessdate= 2025-01-03 |publisher= }}
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