Historic Sheet Music Collection
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Work provided by University of Oregon

Sometime, somewhere

  • 1917
  • Back cover is a full page advertisement for Jerome H. Remick & Co.'s "Latest Publications" which includes a musical excerpt from the song "Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose" by Richard A. Whitiko and Raymond Egan
Cover Description
  • Cover is a full page drawing of cherry bloosom trees in a meadow during sunset. Title text appears at the top in block letter in front of a solid white background, rest of text appears at the bottom bordered in by white lines with a black background. Title text printed in salmon pink, other text printed in white, drawing in full color.
First Line
  • Sometime somewhere again I'll clasp your hand dear;
First Line Chorus
  • Sometime somewhere I'll see your face again dear;
  • Song for voice and piano.
Work Type
Physical Extent
  • 4 p.; color
Shelf Location
  • Music ShColl 015291
Copy Location
  • University of Oregon Knight Library, Music Services Section
Publication Place
  • Women composers
Submission Date
  • 04/11/2014
  • 10/19/2023


Historic Sheet Music Collection, University of Oregon. (01 Sep 2024). Sometime, somewhere Retrieved from https://oregondigital.org/concern/documents/k930bx04x


Historic Sheet Music Collection, University of Oregon. "Sometime, somewhere" Oregon Digital. 01 Sep 2024. https://oregondigital.org/concern/documents/k930bx04x


Historic Sheet Music Collection, University of Oregon. "Sometime, somewhere" Oregon Digital. Accessed 2024-09-01. https://oregondigital.org/concern/documents/k930bx04x


{{cite web | url= https://oregondigital.org/concern/documents/k930bx04x | title= Sometime, somewhere |author= |accessdate= 2024-09-01 |publisher= }}
Data Sources
Footer Number Term External URI
1 Owen, Anita http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2009138859
2 Starmer http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no98132927
3 Sheet music http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2004002338
4 Popular music http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85088865
5 sheet music http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300026430
6 New York >> New York >> United States https://sws.geonames.org/5128581/
7 Detroit >> City of Detroit >> Wayne County >> Michigan >> United States https://sws.geonames.org/4990729/
8 University of Oregon http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80126183

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