A-Team (Television program) (2)
Abbett, Earl (3)
Abel, Harold (3)
Aberl, David F. (3)
Abraham, Philip (2)
Abrams, W. H. (3)
Academic achievement (64)
Academic costume (6)
Academic decorations of honor (3)
Academic librarians (8)
Academic rites and ceremonies (3)
Accordion (2)
Accordions (2)
Acker, Joan (11)
Acker, Martin Herbert (3)
Ackerman, Lillian (6)
Ackerman, Lois (3)
Acordes, Fabian A. (1)
Acquisitions librarians (3)
Acrobats (1)
Action figures (Toys) (2)
Actors (208)
Actresses (3)
Aczel, Amin (2)
Aczel, Amir D. (2)
Adair, Mrs. L. G. (3)
Adair, Veina (21)
Adair, Venia (3)
Adams, Agnes (2)
Adams, Claribel (3)
Adams, Debbie (18)
Adams, Emma Job (6)
Adams, James Q. (5)
Adams, Percy (2)
Adams, Percy Paget (7)
Adams, Ralph E. (3)
Adams, Roy W. (3)
Addison, Deb (2)
Adler, Jack (9)
Administration (3)
Advertisers (7)
Advertising (6)
Aerial photography (13)
African American basketball players (30)
African American college administrators (17)
African American social workers (5)
African American student movements (9)
African American women college administrators (5)
African Americans--Civil rights (7)
Ager, Arba (4)
Agger, Robert E. (3)
Aging--Genetic aspects (1)
Aging--Molecular aspects (2)
Agne, Angeline (3)
Agonists (1)
Ahers, John (3)
Aiken, James Wilson 'Jim' (15)
Aiken, Nancy (2)
Aikens, C. Melvin (10)
Air travel (2)
Airmen (1)
Aitchison, Clyde B. (3)
Alabama [Illinois, Texas, etc.] delegation (1)
Aladdin (Tale) (2)
Albrecht, RObert (5)
Alcohol use (1)
Alden, Florence (3)
Alderman, Lewis R. (4)
Alderson, Frank (2)
Alderson, Wayman L. (2)
Alef, Gustave (7)
Alexander, Lynn (2)
Allen, Edwin (7)
Allen, Eric W. (Eric William), 1879-1944 (73)
Allen, Frank, Jr. (3)
Allen, Jerry (1)
Allen, John W. (2)
Allen, Percy (3)
Alleyne, Jillian C. (3)
Alleys (1)
Allison, George (2)
Alloway, Daisy (4)
Alm, Bertha (2)
Alpaugh, Ronald (1)
Alpert, Harry, 1912-1977 (17)
Alpert, Laura (2)
Alpha Chi Omega (6)
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority (2)
Alpha Phi (4)
Alslock, Ben (3)
Alto horn (3)
Alton, Don (3)
Alumnae and alumni (1)
Alumni and alumnae (960)
Aly, Bower, 1903-1977 (9)
Aly, Lucile Folse, 1913- (3)
Amato, Ralph (20)
Ambulances (1)
American Philosophical Association. Western Division (3)
American influences (1)
Amerman, Dale (2)
Ames, Nancy (2)
Amphibians (21)
Amphibious operations (1)
Amstrong, Paul (3)
Anchorage, The (27)
Anderson, Arthur M. (2)
Anderson, Bob (4)
Anderson, Cindy (6)
Anderson, Dave (2)
Anderson, Dorothy A. (2)
Anderson, Elam J. (3)
Anderson, James (2)
Anderson, Keith (2)
Anderson, Leona (2)
Anderson, Les, 1921-2000 (9)
Anderson, Lester Ellis (2)
Anderson, Max (2)
Anderson, Norman (2)
Anderson, Silas (2)
Anderson, Stanford (4)
Anderson, Steve (1)
Ando, Michi Yasui (33)
Andreev, Andrei (9)
Andrews, Fred (5)
Andrews, George (8)
Andrus, J. Roman (James Roman), 1907-1993 (5)
Anet, Robert (30)
Angell, Homer Daniel, 1875-1968 (7)
Angermayer, Christopher M. (1)
Angstead, Paul (2)
Animacy (2)
Animal behavior (13)
Animals in art (16)
Ankeny, Dollie Anna Miller (3)
Ankylosis (2)
Anniversaries, etc. (1)
Anodic oxidation (1)
Anonyms and pseudonyms (1)
Anthony, C. Ross (3)
Anthony, James (2)
Anthropologists (32)
Anthropology (215)
Anti-theft devices (1)
Antiaircraft artillery operations (1)
Antilock brake systems (2)
Antique and classic cars (7)
Antiquities (5)
Antiquities, Byzantine (2)
Antiquities, Phoenician (2)
Antiquities, Roman (2)
Antiquities, Turkish (2)
Anunsen, Zella Soults (1)
Anunson, Fred (3)
Applegate, Moray L. (2)
Applegate, Rex (3)
Arabian nights (2)
Arabian, Victoria (2)
Arbors (1)
Archaeological dating (2)
Archaeology (134)
Archambeau, Lauretta (4)
Archery (40)
Architects (3)
Architectural drawing (16)
Architectural models (71)
Architectural studios (6)
Architecture (169)
Architecture, Domestic (13)
Architecture--Study and teaching (49)
Architecture--United States (13)
Arcuri, Giulia M. (6)
Arends, Jane (3)
Arends, Jane H. (3)
Armed Forces (3)
Armed Forces--Officers (12)
Armitage, Stella V. (3)
Armstrong, Dale (2)
Armstrong, Paul B., 1949- (3)
Arnold, Steve (2)
Arp, Sandra (3)
Arp, Sandra L. (3)
Art (19)
Art Pearl (1)
Art auctions (2)
Art museum directors (11)
Art museums (5)
Art schools (2)
Art students (3)
Art--Study and teaching (280)
Artau, Louis P. (9)
Arthur, Gerald (2)
Artists (3)
Artists and models in art (5)
Artists' studios (2)
Arts (2)
Artzt, Edwin (2)
Artzt, Edwin L. (4)
Aschenbrenner, Larry (23)
Ash, Clarence (3)
Ashen, Shellsy L. (1)
Asia--Study and teaching (3)
Asian Americans (53)
Astronomy (88)
Athletes (58)
Athletic directors (30)
Athletic fields (3)
Athletics (31)
Atiyeh, Victor (7)
Atkinson, Jr., Robert H. (19)
Attneave, Fred (7)
Aubin, Claire (2)
Audiences (1)
Auferoth, Stanley R. (2)
Auld, Lillian (2)
Authorship (1)
Autographs (2)
Automobiles (69)
Autumn (15)
Ava,Isaac W. (2)
Avakian, Victoria (5)
Averill, Earl, Jr. (4)
Avery, Curtis E. (3)
Avery, Florence (3)
Avery, Florence E. (3)
Award presentations (2)
Awards (74)
Axford, H. William (5)
Axline, Michael D., 1953- (3)
Axtell, Melissa R. (6)
Baas, Alan M. (11)
Babcock, Harold (5)
Babjar, Ron (2)
Bacci, Frank (2)
Bachelordon (University of Oregon) (5)
Bacic, Javoc (2)
Backhoes (1)
Backpacks (29)
Bader, Jean (7)
Badminton (Game) (1)
Badorek, Vera (2)
Bae, Jongseob (9)
Baerncopf, David A. (7)
Bagley, Betty (2)
Bagley, Elva (2)
Bailey Jr., Mark (7)
Bailey, Agnes (2)
Bailey, Dennis (3)
Bailey, Edward F. (6)
Bailey, Exine Margaret Anderson (5)
Bailey, James John (7)
Bailey, Katrina (5)
Bailey, Lizette (7)
Bailey, Prof. Mark (17)
Baillie, Hugh, 1890-1966 (3)
Bain, Lennah (6)
Bain, Read (2)
Baird, Oscar (2)
Bajer, Andrew S. (13)
Baker, Allison (3)
Baker, Coleton J. (1)
Baker, Frederick Charles (7)
Baker, Lois Inman, 1906-2000 (7)
Baker, Ned (2)
Baker, Ralph (3)
Baker, Robert (2)
Baker, Ted (3)
Balance beam (3)
Balderston, Keith (1)
Baldinger, Wallace S. (Wallace Spencer), 1905-1993 (11)
Baldridge, Dennis (2)
Baldwin, Ford Bowlin (2)
Baldwin, John E., 1937- (9)
Balkovich, Mike (2)
Ball, Helen (3)
Ball, Hugh (5)
Ballard, Greg (15)
Ballinger, Thomas O. (5)
Balls (Parties) (3)
Balogh, Randy (7)
Band directors (4)
Bands (93)
Bane, Frank, 1893-1983 (3)
Banfield, Charlotte (3)
Banks and banking, American (7)
Banks, Era (6)
Banks, Julia (2)
Bannard, Susie (2)
Banners (1)
Barbalo, John (2)
Barber, Dona (7)
Barber, Heather (3)
Barber, John Raymond (2)
Barbershops (1)
Barbiyeru, Sulamita (3)
Barde, Jerry (5)
Barker, Barbara (9)
Barker, Beatrice (3)
Barker, Burt Brown, 1873-1969 (54)
Barker, Ella (3)
Barker, Elvira Brown (3)
Barker, Winifred Cockerline (4)
Barkhurst, Vernon L (13)
Barner, Kenjon (2)
Barner, Phil (1)
Barnes, B. A. (Bruce A.) (5)
Barnes, Donald Grove, 1892-1964 or 1965 (5)
Barnes, Emery O., 1929-1998 (3)
Barnes, Eugene B. (3)
Barnes, Maud (2)
Barnett, H. G. (Homer Garner), 1906-1985 (5)
Barnett, James D. (James Duff), 1870-1957 (5)
Barnett, James F. (2)
Barrett, Oliver L. (13)
Bartel, Elizabeth (3)
Bartel, Roland (9)
Bartelt, James (3)
Bartholoma, John (2)
Bartle, Dick (2)
Bartle, Ruth (2)
Bartle, William (2)
Bartlett, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva) (3)
Barton, James (25)
Barton, John (2)
Barwig, Mark (2)
Barzee, Lloyd (4)
Barzee, Mrs. Velma Sexton (1)
Base running (Baseball) (37)
Baseball (461)
Baseball bats (2)
Baseball coaches (4)
Baseball fans (6)
Baseball for women (9)
Baseball players (446)
Baseball teams (186)
Baseball--Rules (2)
Bases (Architecture) (1)
Basketball (1,636)
Basketball arenas (3)
Basketball attendance (10)
Basketball camps (13)
Basketball coaches (94)
Basketball courts (3)
Basketball fans (49)
Basketball for women (217)
Basketball players (935)
Basketball referees (2)
Basketball teams (283)
Basketball--Training (2)
Basketwork (5)
Basler, Rose (3)
Bass guitar (3)
Bass, Daniel Waldo (5)
Bassford, Paul S. (3)
Bassing, Nelson (5)
Bassoonists (5)
Bastion, Hazel Wightman (3)
Basye, Wendell Morris (3)
Bates, Clarence (2)
Bathing suits (4)
Batting (Baseball) (36)
Battleson, Ken (1)
Bauer, Henry (4)
Bauer, Mrs. Henry (1)
Baum, Sadie (6)
Bay, Richard M. (7)
Bayliss, Camilla (3)
Beach, Ruth (3)
Beal, Edwin T. (3)
Beall, Chandler Baker, 1901- (5)
Beam, Randal A. (3)
Beam, Rich (2)
Bean, Condon R. (3)
Bean, Dr. W. (3)
Bean, Emma (2)
Bean, Grace (3)
Bean, Hawley (3)
Bean, Katheryn (5)
Bean, Robert S. (Robert Sharp), 1854-1931 (7)
Beanbag toys (2)
Beans, Elizabeth (2)
Beard, Fred A. (3)
Beatie, Jennie Harris (17)
Beattie, W. G. (5)
Beattie, Willa Hanna (6)
Beatty, Laura (11)
Becht, Adeline (3)
Beck, Anne Landsbury (13)
Beck, Jacob (7)
Beck, Oscar (2)
Becker, Maria (3)
Becker, Wesley C., 1928- (3)
Beckes, Tracy (4)
Beckett, John W. (3)
Bede, Elbert, 1881- (3)
Bednerik, Marya (3)
Beds (4)
Bee, Lawrence S. (Lawrence Stephen), 1911-1971 (3)
Beekman, B.B. (2)
Beekman, Cornelius C. (Cornelius Compton), 1828-1915 (9)
Beeman, Mae Harbert (2)
Beers, Kenneth (2)
Beeson, Frances (2)
Behrends, Vernon E. (2)
Belding, Don (7)
Belknap, George N. (George Nicholas), 1905- (9)
Belko, Steve (4)
Bell, Clarence (2)
Bell, Derrick, 1930-2011 (17)
Bell, George (3)
Bell, Jewel Hairston (5)
Bell, Rachel M. (2)
Bell, Ray (2)
Bellisimo, Lou (7)
Belloni, Robert (2)
Belluschi, Pietro, 1899-1994 (3)
Belshaw, Roland (2)
Beltran, George (3)
Belushi, John (2)
Ben Linder (2)
Benches (13)
Bender, Steven (3)
Bender, Walter (3)
Benefiel, Jack W. (3)
Bennett, Gordon (2)
Berdahl, Robert M. (11)
Berenstein,Alexander (4)
Beres, George (7)
Berg, Bill (1)
Bergh Philip T. (2)
Bergh, Phil (2)
Bergquist, Peter (5)
Bergsma, Alaina L. (4)
Berle, Dr. A. A. (3)
Bernau, Jim (6)
Bernhard, Sidney A., 1927-1988 (3)
Bernhardt, Alison (4)
Berreman, Joel V. (Joel Van Meter), 1900-1986 (3)
Berry, John (1)
Berry, Ruth Graham (5)
Bessonette, Glen (2)
Best, Nell G. (8)
Best, Nellie (2)
Beta Theta Pi (4)
Betts, Edith, 1921- (3)
Beumer, William (2)
Beuter, John H. (3)
Beverages (1)
Bicycles (156)
Biersack, Aletta (3)
Biggs, Hugh (3)
Bill Bowerman (4)
Bill Dellinger (1)
Bill Hayward (1)
Billing, Thom (3)
Billings, Homer G. (3)
Billings, Victoria K. (2)
Billingslea, Ron (4)
Bilotta, Vince (9)
Bingham, Ed (2)
Bingham, Edwin R. (15)
Binning, Bert (2)
Biological laboratories (7)
Biologists (2)
Biology (47)
Biology--Fieldwork (2)
Biology--Research (6)
Biology--Study and teaching (24)
Birdbaths (4)
Birkinshaw, Richard (2)
Birn, Raymond (7)
Birthdays (2)
Bishop, Lee (3)
Bittell, Charles (1)
Bjork, Gordon C. (3)
Black, Charles L., Jr. (Charles Lund), 1915-2001 (13)
Black, Frank Gees (5)
Black, Larry (2)
Black, Mike (2)
Blackaby, Earl (2)
Blackface entertainers (2)
Blades, Rhonda (1)
Bladine, Lars (5)
Blair, David (1)
Blair, Rusty (2)
Blanchard, Sharron (3)
Bland, Bev (2)
Blenkinsop, Robert (1)
Blevins, William (3)
Bligh, Philip (2)
Blizard, Gladys (2)
Blum, Harold F. (Harold Francis), 1899-1980 (3)
Blumel, Joseph C. (3)
Blythe, Don (2)
Blythe, Edwin (3)
Board games (1)
Boathouses (27)
Boats (12)
Boats and boating (43)
Bob Ous (1)
Bocchi, James (3)
Bocchi, Lisa (2)
Boccie (Game) (2)
Bocock, Morris Bradford (6)
Boehm, Marjorie Gearhart (3)
Boehm, Werner F. (3)
Boekelheide, V. (Virgil), 1919- (19)
Bogen, Gerald Keith, 1937- (17)
Bogson, Roscoe St. Clair (2)
Bohemia Lumber Company (2)
Bohn, Timothy, Jr. (1)
Bollerud, Jack (3)
Bollman, S. A. (2)
Bollwinkel, Dave (2)
Bolton, Christopher R. (5)
Bond, Col. Aubrey (1)
Bond, Faye Ball (2)
Bond, Jessie H. (3)
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 (7)
Bond, Lewis A. (6)
Bond, Lynn (3)
Bonfires (3)
Bonine, John E. (3)
Bonn, Maggie (2)
Books (27)
Bookstores (178)
Boone, Dan (3)
Booth, Barbara (3)
Booth, Bob (2)
Booth, Clintona Ann (7)
Booth, R. A. (7)
Boots (2)
Borchardt, John W. (3)
Borcher, William J. (2)
Borg, Carl (2)
Borrevik, Wally (4)
Botany--Study and teaching (19)
Boughton, George (9)
Bounner, Edmund (3)
Bovard, Camille Carroll (3)
Bovard, John F. (John Freeman), 1881- (23)
Bovington, Maryjane (3)
Bow ties (2)
Bowcutt, Kayla J. (4)
Bowen, Gwladys (3)
Bowen, Ray P. (3)
Bower, Carolyn (5)
Bowerman, William J. (82)
Bowles, Mary Jane (6)
Bowlin, Robert Leroy, 1930- (15)
Bowling (33)
Bowling alleys (19)
Bowling, Floyd (2)
Bowling--Coaching (5)
Bowling--Training (5)
Bowmer, Angus L. (2)
Boxes (1)
Boxing (5)
Boyce, Mary (2)
Boyd, William Beaty (153)
Boyden, Frank (4)
Boye, Mary (2)
Boyer, C. V. (3)
Boyer, Clarence Valentine, 1880-1954 (67)
Boyer, Delmer (2)
Boyer, Margaret (3)
Boyer, Taylor R. (1)
Boyle, Walden (3)
Boynton, William Pingry, 1867- (11)
Brace, Shirley (1)
Bradbury, Jim (2)
Bradetich, Marilyn M. (3)
Bradley, Lawson G. (4)
Bradshaw, Bob (3)
Brady, Thomas A. (11)
Bragg, C. H. (3)
Brainard, Paul (3)
Brainerd, Harold (2)
Bramwell, John (3)
Brand, Myles (72)
Brand, Peggy Zeglin (5)
Brandon, Carter (5)
Brandt, Karla (2)
Brarrain Hagen, A. (7)
Brass instruments (1)
Brattain, Eldon M. (3)
Brattain, Walter H. (Walter Houser), 1902-1987 (15)
Breakfasts (2)
Breen, Quirinus, 1896- (7)
Breuer, Louise (2)
Brewer, Gordon (2)
Brick walls (6)
Bricks (15)
Brico, Antonia (9)
Bridges (2)
Bridges, Douglas (3)
Bridges, Harry, 1901-1990 (7)
Bridges--Oregon (45)
Briefcases (2)
Briggs, Ralph (3)
Briot, Chris (2)
Bristow, Darwin, 1862-1951 (3)
Bristow, Elijah, 1788-1872 (8)
Bristow, Susana Gabbert (3)
Brochures (1)
Brockelbank, Leslie (5)
Brockelbank, Mary (11)
Brodie, Donald W. (3)
Brodie, E. E. (3)
Broekhoff, Jan (5)
Brogan, Casey E. (2)
Brons, Mildred (2)
Brooks, Kasey (1)
Brooks, Patricia (3)
Brooks, Rich, 1941- (5)
Brooles, Irwin (3)
Brosterhous, Greg (6)
Broughton, Harold J. (6)
Brown, Alice Bretherton (3)
Brown, Bob (2)
Brown, Clarence (3)
Brown, Crystal H. (6)
Brown, E. Eyler (5)
Brown, Edith (3)
Brown, Eiler (2)
Brown, Ellis C. (3)
Brown, Eugene (2)
Brown, Gerda (3)
Brown, Harrison, 1917-1986 (6)
Brown, Mary Bonnett (3)
Brown, Ralph A. (4)
Brown, Richard M. (5)
Brown, Robert F. (2)
Brown, Sybil (3)
Brown, Warren (5)
Brown,Alice Claire (1)
Brownell, Phil (3)
Browning, John (1)
Brundage, Joseph E. (2)
Brundage, Mike (3)
Bryne, Charles D. (3)
Bryson, Roscoe S. (3)
Bryson, Roy G. (3)
Bubalo, Mike (4)
Buck, Peter (2)
Buckner, Paul (7)
Building (71)
Buildings (636)
Bullier, Albert (4)
Bunyan, Paul (Legendary character) (12)
Burch, George E. (George Edward), 1910-1986 (3)
Burden, C. A. (2)
Burden, Carrie M. (3)
Burdick, Antoinette (5)
Burgher, Bill (2)
Burkart, Zolla (2)
Burkholder, Lovedy (2)
Burleson, Dyrol (2)
Burns, Jean A. (2)
Burns, Ron (1)
Burris, Victor (3)
Bus stops (7)
Busby, Beth (6)
Busen, Ruth Stone (3)
Bush, Theron (2)
Bushman, Phil (2)
Business (16)
Busts (22)
Butler, Clarence (2)
Butler, Harry (2)
Butler, Mila (2)
Buttner, Lana (1)
Buttons (1)
Bye, Thomas (2)
C. Sylvester (1)
CPR (First aid) (2)
Cadenasso, James (1)
Cafeterias (6)
Caine, John (2)
Cake, Ralph (4)
Cake, Ralph H. (Ralph Harlan), 1891-1973 (2)
Caldas, Daniel S. (1)
Calef, Cutting S. (5)
Calef, Glayds (2)
Calkins, Windsor (2)
Callison, Prince (1)
Calloway, Owen (8)
Camassia quamash (2)
Cambier, Robin (2)
Camcorders (1)
Campbell, Agnes (1)
Campbell, Katerina P. (2)
Campbell, Paul W. (3)
Campbell, Prince Lucien, 1861-1925 (52)
Campbell, Robert (7)
Campf, Sylvan (1)
Candid indoor group photographic portrait (10)
Cannell, Stephen J. (5)
Cannon, Gary (2)
Canoes and canoeing (71)
Canyons (2)
Card games (3)
Cardwell, Fred (2)
Cardwell, Marjory (2)
Career development (3)
Carey, Willard (2)
Carlson, Charles (2)
Carlson, Fred (2)
Carlson, Joanne (21)
Carlson, Richard O. (2)
Carlson, Spencer (17)
Carmichael, Arthur C. (5)
Carmichael, Stokely, 1941-1998 (11)
Carnes, Olivia Risley (4)
Carney, Bill (2)
Carp, Abraham (4)
Carpenter, Charles E. (3)
Carr, Michael D. (6)
Carr, William (3)
Carragher, Eileen (4)
Carriages and carts (1)
Carrico, Dr. James H. (8)
Carroll, Camille (2)
Carroll, George C., 1940- (3)
Carruth, Hilda Brant (1)
Carson, Catherine (3)
Carson, Dale (3)
Carson, John D. (1)
Carson, Luella Clay, 1856-1938 (9)
Cartoon characters (9)
Casanova, Leonard B. (10)
Case, Richard (2)
Cassidy, Chas G. (1)
Cassidy, Kayla G. (7)
Castle, Paula (2)
Catania, ClaireA. (2)
Catchers (Baseball) (12)
Cats in art (6)
Caufield, Wallace (3)
Caven, Douglas (1)
Cavey, Raleigh L. (1)
Caviness, Robert (2)
Cayton, Tammy (2)
Cecil, James C. (3)
Cecil, Jessie Bibee (1)
Celio, Chris (5)
Cellists (1)
Cemeteries (7)
Centers (Basketball) (2)
Certificates (1)
Cervantes Saavedra family (1)
Cervantes family (1)
Chabot, Louis (2)
Chairs (1)
Chambers, Edith (5)
Chandler, Vicki (2)
Chapman, Charles Hiram, 1860-1934 (7)
Chapman, Nish (5)
Chapman, Thomas (2)
Chapman, Thomas J. (2)
Charles Williams (1)
Charlottenhof (Poland) (2)
Charts, diagrams, etc. (39)
Chase, Rich (2)
Cheerleading (476)
Cheesman, Carl (2)
Chemical models (2)
Chemistry (6)
Chemistry--Study and teaching (22)
Cheng, Ulysses (4)
Chess (7)
Chest (2)
Children (26)
Children with disabilities (1)
Children's clothing (1)
Childs, Hal (4)
Chiles, Earle (2)
Chinese students (2)
Choirs (Music) (10)
Choral societies (2)
Chrisman, Sarah (3)
Christensen, Christy (2)
Christiansen, Bob (2)
Christine Cowger (1)
Chronology, Historical (2)
Church, Earl (5)
Cigarette vendors (7)
Cirgon, Robert (2)
Cities and towns (17)
Civil rights movements (6)
Civil rights workers (13)
Civil rights workers, Black (6)
Clarinet (4)
Clarinetists (2)
Clark, Ellen McVeigh (3)
Clark, Ivan (1)
Clark, Mike (8)
Clark, Robert D. (Robert Donald), 1910-2005 (7)
Clark, Robert Donald, 1910-2005 (10)
Clarke, Dennis (2)
Clarke, Herbert (3)
Clarke, Marguerite Rohse (1)
Class reunions (416)
Classroom environment (1)
Classrooms (118)
Clawson, Kerry (16)
Clay (3)
Clay, Charles (1)
Clay, Michael V. (1)
Claydon, Bob (4)
Cleator, William (2)
Cleaver, Ruth Davis (3)
Clements, Edith (3)
Clergy--Clothing (1)
Cleveland, Charles E. (3)
Cleveland, Florence (4)
Clevenger, Kristi (2)
Clicker training (Animal training) (1)
Clifton Nesmith McArthur (1)
Clinical psychologists (3)
Clissold, Aaron P. (1)
Closs, Rob (5)
Clothing and dress (8)
Clouds (1)
Clubs (5)
Coaches (Athletics) (18)
Coad, E. E. (2)
Coats (10)
Cockeram, Suzanne (2)
Coe-Clarke, Margaret (2)
Coffey, Brett (1)
Coffyn, Robert (2)
Cofield, Fred (2)
Cogan, Frances J. (1)
Coghill, Douglas (2)
Cogswell, De Etta (5)
Coke, Chris (2)
Coke, Howard (2)
Colbert, Austin (2)
Coleman, Callan (4)
Coleman, Eleanor (3)
Coleman, Norman F. (3)
Coleman, Raymond L. (3)
Coley, Raymond (2)
College Football Hall of Fame (3)
College administrators (289)
College admission officers (5)
College athletes (15)
College buildings (718)
College campuses (975)
College facilities (2)
College presidents (153)
College presidents--Inauguration (29)
College publications (3)
College registrars (10)
College sports (1,418)
College sports for women (285)
College sports--Awards (7)
College sports--Awards--United States (66)
College stores (180)
College student government (47)
College student orientation (1)
College students (1,314)
College students with disabilities (3)
College students' art (293)
College teachers (188)
College yearbooks (110)
Collier, Andrew (6)
Collier, Arthur James (5)
Collier, Dorothy (2)
Collier, Georgia (1)
Collier, Leslie (2)
Collier, Mary (3)
Collier, Mrs. Andrew (2)
Collin, Arthur James (3)
Collins, Alice Thurston (6)
Columns (3)
Comish, N.H. (2)
Commencement ceremonies (223)
Community health services (2)
Computers (72)
Comstock, James (3)
Conant, Dr. Eaton (5)
Concerts (1)
Condon, Clara (17)
Condon, Ellen Nellie McCormack (6)
Condon, Fannie C. (18)
Condon, Herb (5)
Condon, Herbert Thomas (5)
Condon, Thomas, 1822-1907 (3)
Conducting (14)
Conductors (Music) (9)
Conklin, Edmund S. (3)
Conklin, Gene (2)
Connell, Elijah D. (7)
Conner, Clare (2)
Conrad, Annette Buchanan (9)
Conrad, Cy (10)
Conradt, Pauline (4)
Constance, Clifford (7)
Construction (1)
Construction projects (147)
Contact printing (5)
Contests (18)
Contreras, Alan (2)
Cook, Zori D. (1)
Cool, Robert (2)
Cooper, Dorothy (6)
Cooper, Paul (7)
Cooper, Sue Hayes (4)
Corduroy (2)
Corgan, Charles (2)
Corkery, Judy (2)
Corley, Vaughn (10)
Cornacchia, Peter (2)
Cornelius, Emma (3)
Cornell, Anson B. (5)
Cornellia Condon (1)
Corner, Donald (5)
Corrigan, Mary (1)
Corrigan-Solari, Mary (1)
Corvello, Frank (2)
Corwin, Meagan (2)
Cosby, Bill, 1937- (3)
Costa, Koral D. (1)
Costain, Rick (2)
Costello G. R. (3)
Costume (75)
Counseling (7)
Counseling in higher education (15)
Countryman, Jack (2)
Couples (1)
Courtney, Bill (4)
Cox, Whitson (4)
Craft, Ray (3)
Craig, Ian (1)
Craig, Lula (16)
Craig, Lulu (3)
Craine, Anna (3)
Crakes, James (2)
Cranfill, Jone (3)
Crasemann, Bernd (26)
Craven, Anne (2)
Crawford, Jeff (1)
Crawford, John (3)
Creese, Dean (3)
Cressman, Luther S. (38)
Cressman, Luther S., 1897-1994 (12)
Critchlow, William (2)
Cromise, Ralf (1)
Cronise, Ralph R. (5)
Crosiar, John (3)
Crowds (63)
Crowell, Sam (4)
Crowley, Edward J. (7)
Crowns (2)
Crum, Steve (4)
Crumb, Claude (2)
Crumbacker, Calvin (7)
Cruz, Nikki (3)
Cubbage,Amy L. (3)
Cudahy, Daniel (2)
Cuico, Kailee K. (1)
Culbertson, Leon A. (2)
Cummings, Mabel Louise (3)
Cundy, Donald Jr. (5)
Cunningham, Sarah J. (7)
Cunningham, Sue (1)
Curbs (3)
Curland, David (7)
Curry, Charlene L. (5)
Curtis, Christine (1)
Curtis, Elbert (9)
Cushing, Julie (8)
Cut-out craft (1)
Cuthbert, Frederick Alexander, 1902- (5)
Cutsforth, Thomas (3)
Cyclists (1)
Cymbals (2)
Dahlberg , Casteel Carrol (9)
Dahlquist, Frederick (3)
Daikh, Brain E. (3)
Dale, Ada (2)
Dale, Donald (2)
Dallenback, Karl M. (3)
Daly, Dr. Bernard (7)
Dance (159)
Dance parties (11)
Dance schools (43)
Daniel, Jessica (5)
Dann, Larry (5)
Dardano, David (2)
Dart, Francis (9)
Dasso, Jerome (11)
Daugherty, Nancy (3)
Davenport, Cydnie (3)
Davidson, Alexandria L. (1)
Davies, James (8)
Davies, Sarah (3)
Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Yvonne), 1944- (21)
Davis, Clayton J. (9)
Davis, Evan (2)
Davis, F. W. (11)
Davis, Henry Wilson (3)
Davis, Howard (5)
Davis, Kathryn Peneo (2)
Davis, Lewis J. (5)
Davis, Lulu (3)
Davis, Marion F. (2)
Davis, Patricia (1)
Davis, Perry (2)
Davis, Robert (3)
Davis, Wilbur A. (2)
Day, Elizabeth (5)
Day, Mahlon Harlow (6)
De Cou, Edgar Ezekiel (9)
De Koning, Robert (2)
De La Vergue, Warren (2)
De Merritt, Dell (2)
De Neffe, Helen Higbee (1)
De Witt, Thurman (2)
DeBusk, Burchard Woodson, 1877-1936 (11)
DeYoungs (1)
Deady Jr., Matthew (5)
Deady, Matthew P. (Matthew Paul), 1824-1893 (16)
Dean, Cal (2)
Deans (Education) (134)
Deans of women (3)
Deb Carver (1)
Debates and debating (21)
Debross, Ellen (3)
Decke, Patricia (4)
Decoration (2)
Decoration and ornament, Architectural (4)
Degenhart, Pearl (2)
Degermark, Carin H. (2)
Delbon, Donald A. (2)
Deleon, Tara (5)
Dellinger, Bill (21)
Delta Delta Delta (2)
Demolition derbies (1)
Demonstrations (86)
Dennis, Dr. Helen George (3)
Denniston, Barbara (2)
Densmore,Harvey Bruce (5)
Designs and plans (22)
Desks (2)
Dick, John H. (30)
Dickinson, Rodney (2)
Diddock, Roger (2)
Dillard, Walter (2)
Dimm, Suzanne (2)
Dingman, Dave (4)
Dining rooms (7)
Dinners and dining (15)
Diplomas (3)
Diseases (1)
Diseases and pests (1)
Diseases and pests--Identification (2)
Disney, Walt, 1901-1966 (3)
Dobie, Norma (3)
Dobos, Brittany D. (3)
Docks (16)
Doctoral students (11)
Documents (32)
Dodge, Louis (4)
Dogs (22)
Dole, Herman Linn (3)
Dole, Mary (2)
Domestic animals (2)
Don Reed (1)
Don, Robert (5)
Donald Milton Erb (1)
Donkeys (2)
Donlon, Gureth (2)
Donneley, Kenneth (2)
Donnell, Eileen Hickson (14)
Donovan, Dennis J. (1)
Doolittle, John R. (2)
Dopson, Alma (2)
Dormitories (11)
Dorris, Benetta (3)
Dorris, Emma (8)
Dorris, Mary (3)
Dorris, May (5)
Dorris, Stella (3)
Dorris, Susan M. (10)
Dorsey, Sabrina (2)
Doty, Maxwell S. (2)
Dove, Mark (4)
Dragons (1)
Drake, Andrea (2)
Drake, Charles L. (55)
Drawing (22)
Drawings (11)
Dresses (8)
Drew, Nettie (2)
Drozdiak, Bill (2)
Drum (14)
Drummers (Musicians) (2)
Drummond, Mike (2)
Duck, Daisy (Fictitious character) (7)
Ducks (10)
Duckworth, Silvia Bond (3)
Duffy, Hal (2)
Dugan, Elizabeth L. (2)
Dulcich, Vincent P. (2)
Dunberg, Edna (12)
Dunham, Flora (3)
Dunlap, William G. (3)
Dunn, Alwilda E. (3)
Dunn, Claire (3)
Dunn, Frances (2)
Dunn, Frederic Stanley (9)
Dunn, Frederick Sherwood, 1893-1962 (2)
Dunn, Walter (3)
Dunning, Hattie (5)
Durno, Edward (9)
Dusenbery, Bob (2)
Duyk, Stanley (2)
Dwellings (16)
Dwyer, Darrell (2)
Dyer, Roy A. (1)
Dyson, Ralph (2)
E. C. Kropp Company (1)
E.C. Brown Foundation (3)
ESPN, Inc. (5)
Eakin, Dorothy (3)
Eakin, Priscilla (3)
Earl, Robert (6)
Earl, Virgil D. (3)
Early, Rey (3)
Easels (2)
Easter, Wick (2)
Easton, Kym (1)
Eaton, Allen H. (Allen Hendershott), 1878-1962 (6)
Eaton, Ashton J. (2)
Eaton, Claudia (6)
Eaton, David (2)
Eaves, Anna Ruth (3)
Eberhardt, Adam D. (1)
Eberhart, Jean (2)
Edelman, Ray (2)
Edgler, Gretchen G. (2)
Editors (3)
Edlund, Paul (2)
EdmundA. Cykler (16)
Edmundson, Clarence, 1886-1964 (2)
Edmundson, John (4)
Edmunson, Ella Travis (3)
Education (Continuing education) (3)
Education--History (7)
Edwards, Fred A. (2)
Edwards, Margaret (2)
Ehler, Dale (2)
Elder, Catherine (2)
Electric lines (2)
Electric lines--Poles and towers (1)
Elkins, Joseph (2)
Ellinwood, Cecil Miller (1)
Elliott, Wayne (4)
Ellison, Cameron (5)
Ellsworth, Harris, 1899-1986 (2)
Elorriaga, John (2)
Emmons, Franklin Boone (1)
Engelgau, Maurice (2)
Engineering (5)
Engineering students (5)
Engineering--Equipment and supplies (5)
Engineers (12)
England, Alfred (2)
England, Ella Anderson (6)
English language--Study and teaching (Higher) (9)
English language--Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids (2)
English, Henry (3)
Engraving (2)
Engstrom, Arthur (2)
Enthusiasm (1)
Epworth League (U.S.) (2)
Erb, Donald M. (2)
Erb, Donald M. (Donald Milton), 1900-1943 (2)
Erickson, Sylvia (2)
Erikson, Sylvia (2)
Ernie Tolmon (1)
Espinosa, Emily J. (2)
Espy, Cecil J. (2)
Espy, John C. (2)
Esslinger, John (2)
Eubank, Leola (3)
Eugene (Or.). Police Department (6)
Evans, Julie (2)
Evans, Minnie (3)
Evans, Phyllis (2)
Evans, Raymond O. (1)
Everett, Clifford (1)
Everson, Joyce (2)
Eviction (3)
Ewer, Ethel (2)
Excavations (Archaeology) (101)
Exhibitions (2)
Experiments (1)
Eyeglasses (15)
Faber, Gregory I. (1)
Faculty (11)
Faculty (Education) (3)
Fagg, Barbara (2)
Fairbanks, Avard T. (Avard Tennyson), 1897-1987 (6)
Fairly, Frank (2)
Fairs (4)
Family recreation (3)
Fan, Chenxin (3)
Fan, Connie (3)
Fans (Machinery) (2)
Fariss, Bob (3)
Farnsworth, Alice (2)
Farris, Jessie (2)
Fashion (9)
Faunt, Harold (1)
Feature writing (9)
Fell, Esther (3)
Fell, William (1)
Female orgasm (7)
Fences (2)
Fencing for women (3)
Fenimore, James (2)
Fennell, Velda F. (2)
Fenton, Carl (3)
Fenton, Carl B. (2)
Fenton, Charles R. (5)
Fenton, Charlie (2)
Fenwick, Walter (2)
Ficklin, Mary (2)
Field, Marian (2)
Fields, Nancy (2)
Fieldwork (20)
Fife, Bob (1)
Figure drawing (12)
Filing cabinets (2)
Filmstrips (14)
Finch, Curtis (2)
Finnegan, Salliebeth E. (2)
Fire risk assessment (6)
Fire sprinklers (3)
Fireplaces (3)
Fires (1)
Fischer, Katherine A. (1)
Fisher, Chester C. (3)
Fisk, Fred (5)
Fisk, Mamie (2)
Fitzgibbons, June (2)
Flags (84)
Flannel (4)
Flegel, Dorothy (3)
Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. (3)
Flowers (25)
Flute (13)
Flying discs (Game) (15)
Flügelhorn (3)
Fog (1)
Folding chairs (1)
Foley, C. L. (2)
Folk dancing (8)
Food (5)
Football (453)
Football coaches (33)
Football players (59)
Football stadiums (97)
Football teams (1)
Foote, Cone & Belding (7)
Ford, Clarence (2)
Ford, Edsall (1)
Ford, Kenneth (2)
Ford, Olin (2)
Ford, Robert G. (2)
Ford, Wayne (3)
Forehand, Paul M. (3)
Fortmiller, Earl (3)
Forums (Discussion and debate) (9)
Forwards (Basketball) (8)
Fossils (34)
Fossum, Embert A. (2)
Foster, Day (2)
Foster, Peg (2)
Foster, Wilma (1)
Fountain, Claude R. (2)
Fountains (23)
Fowler, Charlie (3)
Fowler, Constance (2)
Fowler, Henry (3)
Fowler, Ned (5)
Fowler, Steve (1)
Fox, Bruce (2)
Francis, Phyllis C. (1)
Franklin, Charlie (2)
Franklin, Gene (2)
Fraser, Bob (2)
Frasier, Brownell Dorris, 1896-1988 (4)
Frazer, Devon E. (1)
Frazer, Eva (3)
Frazer, Kenneth (4)
Frazier, Cecile (2)
Fred Merrill (1)
Frederickson, Harry (3)
Frederickson, Vinal (3)
Freeman, Tess M. (1)
French, Joe P. (2)
Freshmen (1)
Freyd, Jennifer J. (7)
Friedrich, Dolores (2)
Friendly, Carrie (3)
Friendly, Fred (3)
Friendly, Fred W. (2)
Friendly, Theresa (4)
Friessel, Frank (1)
Frost, James 'Jim' (4)
Frost, Marion (4)
Fruiht, Thomas (2)
Frye, Janet (2)
Fuhrman, Rolph (4)
Fuller, James H. (2)
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983 (2)
Fullerton, Brad (3)
Fullerton, Bradley (2)
Fulton, Naomi J. (2)
Fulton, Roy (2)
Fund raising (24)
Funeral service (7)
Furniture (4)
Gabrielson, Carl (4)
Gaffney, William (2)
Gagnat, Robert (2)
Gale, Lauren (24)
Galloway, Charles V. (4)
Galloway, Francis (1)
Galloway, Ruth (2)
Galvan, Dennis C. (1)
Gamber, J. A. (2)
Games (1)
Garbade, Billie Slocum (4)
Garber, Lucille (3)
Gardiner, Hattie Hyde (3)
Gardner, Curtis (1)
Gardner, English M. (2)
Gardner, Neal (16)
Garrett, Adele Goff (4)
Garrett, Lida Oakes (2)
Garrick, Carlyle O. (1)
Garris, Oswald (3)
Garrison caps (1)
Garvin, Virgil (2)
Gatchell, Gail (2)
Gates (31)
Gavilanes-Ruiz, Marina (2)
Gawer, Herman (2)
Gehrke, Donna (2)
Geiger, Elizabeth (2)
Geisler, Raphael (3)
Geisler, Ruth (3)
Gemmel, Alan (2)
Gendron, John W. (2)
Generals--United States (6)
Geodesic domes (110)
Geology (65)
Gerald Bogen (2)
Gerlinger, Irene Hazard (1)
Gerot, Flora (2)
Gienger, Bonnie Mae (2)
Gienger, Penny (4)
Gilbert, Dr. James H. (1)
Gilbert, James H. (2)
Gilbert, James Henry (5)
Gilbert, Mrs. Isolene (1)
Gillenwaters, Ted (2)
Gilman, Miriam L. (5)
Gilmore, Eric (2)
Gilshop, Cosby (5)
Giustina, Ehrman (2)
Glasby, William (2)
Glasgow, Jack (2)
Gleaves, Vernon (2)
Glenn, Irving Mackay (3)
Glenn, Oakley V. (2)
Godfrey, Giles (2)
Godlove, Dorthea (2)
Godwin, Marsh (3)
Goldsmith, Meta (3)
Golf (12)
Golf courses (2)
Golfers (1)
Goltra, John Nelson (3)
Gong (2)
Gonzales, Mario (2)
Goodell, Stan (3)
Goodman, Anne (2)
Goodrich, Luke L. (2)
Goodrich, Ruby V. Hendricks (10)
Goodwin, Alfred (2)
Gordeeva, Ksenia (27)
Gorrell, Oscar (3)
Gottfredson, Michael R. (1)
Gould, Dennis (4)
Gould, Gene (2)
Gourley, George (2)
Gourley, Gertrude Palmer (8)
Grace, Norma (3)
Graef, Katherine (2)
Graff, Ron (2)
Graffiti (7)
Graham, Dave (1)
Graham, Mildred Bagley (3)
Granquist,Alva (1)
Grant, Randy (1)
Grant, Reginald L. (3)
Graphic arts (2)
Grasu, Hroniss (1)
Graves, Richard (2)
Gray, Clyde (2)
Gray, Joan (4)
Graybeal, Gerald (1)
Graybeal, Jay (1)
Graybill, Gladys (2)
Graydon, Charlotte (2)
Graydon, Walter (2)
Grechen Barger (1)
Green, Agnes M. (7)
Green, Bill (2)
Green, Phill (2)
Green, Stan (2)
GreenField, James R. (6)
Greenhouses (2)
Greenough, Steve (8)
Grewatz,Abby M. (2)
Grieve, William (2)
Griffin, Lizzie (4)
Griffith, John L. (4)
Griffon, Wiley (1)
Grimes, Will (40)
Grimstad, Joy (2)
Griswold, Donald (2)
Grosowsky, Adam (2)
Gross, Ray (2)
Grout, Allie (3)
Grove, Larry (2)
Grubb, Jim (2)
Guards (Basketball) (12)
Guichard family (1)
Guitar (4)
Gurevich, NicholasA. (1)
Gustafson, James (2)
Gymnasiums (51)
Gymnastics (3)
Hacker, Thomas (4)
Hackney, Elizabeth (2)
Hafey, James (2)
Hafner, Hulda (3)
Hagedorn, Donald (2)
Hagen, Leslie (2)
Hagen, Ryan J. (1)
Hager, Sofia C. (1)
Hagglund, Justin (2)
Haines, Dustin L. (1)
Haines, Harold (2)
Hair, Mrs. Mozelle (1)
Hakobyan, Heghine (1)
Hale, Adrian (2)
Hales, Alysone (2)
Haliski, Chester (1)
Hall, Barney (2)
Hall, Bart (2)
Hall, Elmer (3)
Hall, Marjorie (6)
Hall, Mary Spieler (2)
Hall, William (2)
Hamby, Eugene (2)
Hamel, Bill (2)
Hamilton, Lynn (5)
Hammack, Roy Wallace (1)
Hammond, Phil (1)
Hammond, Tom (2)
Hand, Larry L. (2)
Handbags (7)
Handsaker, John (3)
Haney, Jim (8)
Hanging plants (2)
Hanna, Herbert R. (6)
Hanna, Kate (3)
Hanna, Willametta (3)
Hansen, Jonathan (2)
Hanson, Alfred (1)
Hanson, Connie (2)
Hanson, Larry (2)
Harbage, RebeccaA. (3)
Harcombe, William (2)
Harden, Harold (2)
Hardin, Al (6)
Hardin, Terry (1)
Hardy, Emma Dorris (2)
Hardy, Robert (12)
Hardy, Thomas (4)
Hargain, Tony (1)
Hargrove, Marilyn (2)
Harkness, Edwin K. (4)
Harlan, Rodney (2)
Harlow, Elvira (3)
Harlow, Stephanie R. (2)
Haroldson, Ray (2)
Harper, David (2)
Harriet W. Thompson (1)
Harris, Dr. M. C. (2)
Harris, Hymie (1)
Harris, James (5)
Harris, Janet (2)
Harris, Lawrence T. (2)
Harris, Leo (8)
Harris, Leonard (2)
Harris, Phil, 1904-1995 (3)
Harter, Dick (15)
Hartshorne, Dan (2)
Hashimoto, Yukari (1)
Haskell, Bert (2)
Hast, Kodiak (3)
Hastings, Wimp (2)
Hastings, Winfred Eugene (4)
Hatfield, Tinker L. (1)
Hathaway, Dick (2)
Hats (33)
Hausler, Lucille (3)
Haven, Genevieve (3)
Hawk, Norman Ray (3)
Hawke, Bill (1)
Hawke, Willard (1)
Hawkins, Robert (2)
Haworth, Wallace G. (2)
Haycox, Ernest, 1899-1950 (2)
Hayden, Wallace Stanford (2)
Hayes, Edmund (3)
Haynes, Ward (2)
Hays, Ken (2)
Hays, William (2)
Hayward, Bill (1)
Hayward, Nancy (3)
Hedburg, Heidi (1)
Hee Wai, Teddy (2)
Hefty, James (2)
Hegrenes, Jr., Jack (4)
Heider, Otto (3)
Heimuli, Rickson C. (2)
Heiny, Elwin (16)
Heitschmidt, Earl T. (2)
Heldt, Carl (3)
Helfrich, Mark A. (2)
Helfrich, Prince (2)
Helms, Mike (1)
Hemm, Bruce (2)
Hempstead, Walter East, 1907- (3)
Hendershott, Arthur (1)
Hendershott, Mrs. Arthur (1)
Hendershott, Robert (1)
Henderson Louis (3)
Henderson, Charles E. (2)
Henderson, Sidney Elliott (1)
Hendricks, Elma Letty (5)
Hendricks, Ida (5)
Henriques, Charles C. (2)
Henry Condon (1)
Hensen, Eva (2)
Henson, Gerald (2)
Henson, Shirley E. (2)
Henthorne, David (1)
Herman Meierjurgen (3)
Hermance, Gilbert (2)
Hershner, James (2)
Heryford, Fred (2)
Hesse, Janine (1)
Hewlett, Clint (16)
Hickman, Craig (2)
Hickson, Bob (2)
Hickson, Mae Barzee (10)
Hickson, Robert Edward (4)
Hiemstra, Diane (2)
Higgs, Helen (4)
Highet, Doris M. (2)
Hill, Anna Pengra (3)
Hill, Aubrey M. (2)
Hill, Dilbert (3)
Hill, George W. (2)
Hill, James (2)
Hill, Julia (2)
Hill, Melissa E. (7)
Hilliard, William A. (2)
Hillman, Fred (10)
Hilton Hotels Corporation (2)
Himes, Ed (3)
Hintzen, Florence (2)
History (1)
History--Dictionaries (1)
History--Errors, inventions, etc. (1)
History--Examinations, questions, etc. (1)
History--Mathematical models (1)
History--Methodology (1)
Hoar, John (2)
Hobbs, Harry H. (3)
Hobson, Howard, 1903- (26)
Hodge, Lydia H. (2)
Hodge, Walter S. (6)
Hogberg, Dan A. (2)
Holbrook, Philo (2)
Holcomb, Mike (2)
Holden, Glen (2)
Holfman, Olive Zimmerman (6)
Holfman, Paul (1)
Holland, Barney (1)
Hollen, Greg (2)
Holliday, Audrey (2)
Hollins, Ron (2)
Hollis, Orlando J. (2)
Hollis, Orlando John (2)
Hollis, Robert (2)
Hollister, Jim (2)
Holloway, Sarah K. (1)
Holman, Minnie (2)
Holmes, Lulu (2)
Holmes, Sherman (2)
Holmes, William (2)
Holt, Linna (13)
Holt, Susie (5)
Holt, Vesta (1)
Holt, Victor (2)
Holte, Chal (2)
Holy Cross (1)
Hook, Stewart (2)
Hoover, Oaks H. (2)
Hopkins, George (11)
Hoppe, Cornelia B. (2)
Horn (Musical instrument) (3)
Horn players (3)
Horn, John (2)
Horne, Richard (1)
Horner, Cliff (2)
Horses (10)
Horstman, Phyllis (2)
Host families of foreign students (21)
Hough, John D. (2)
Houston, John (9)
Hover, Cletas G. (3)
Hovey, Albert Guy (5)
Hovey, Blaine (4)
Howard, Alice Thurston (3)
Howard, Glenn (2)
Howard, Martin (2)
Howard, Robert (2)
Howe, Colby (2)
Howell, Cliff (4)
Howell, Margaret (2)
Huber, John (2)
Hudson, Harlow (6)
Hudson, Jack (1)
Huff, Lindsay (1)
Huffaker, C. L. (Carl Leo), 1885- (2)
Huffer, Frank A. (3)
Hug, George W. (1)
Hug, Gladys McKenzie (4)
Hughes, Tom (3)
Hukari, Henry (2)
Hulett, Melvin (2)
Hull, James (4)
Hull, Lawrence (2)
Humphrey, Betty (4)
Humphries, G. Wallace (2)
Huntington, Charles A. (3)
Huntington, Shy (2)
Hutton, Rose (2)
Hydrangeas (1)
IBM Personal System/2 (Computer system) (1)
IBM computers (1)
Iamaleava, Janitah T. (1)
Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. Peer Gynt. English (3)
Ickes, Dale (2)
Indian architecture--Conservation and restoration (2)
Indoor candid group photograph (16)
Infants (2)
Infielders (Baseball) (14)
Inghram, Clair (2)
Ingram, Billy (2)
International students (45)
Intranet programming (1)
Irwin, Hugh (1)
Isberg, Leonard (1)
Ivy (5)
Jack-o-lanterns (1)
Jackets (21)
Jackson, Edith (2)
Jackson, Edythe (2)
Jackson, Stu (5)
Jacob, Haley N. (1)
Jacobberger, Francis Benedict, 1898-1962 (5)
Jacobs, Leonebel (5)
Jacobsen, Erling (1)
Jacobson, Frank M. (2)
Jacobson, Kelly (4)
Jakway, Bernard (2)
Jalilov, Murad (3)
James, Robert (2)
Japanese black pine (2)
Jaureguy, Anthony (3)
Jeans (Clothing) (7)
Jenks, Ida Warnock (4)
Jensen, Ellroy P. (1)
Jensen, Elvira (2)
Jensen, Emely (3)
Jensen, GarrettA. (2)
Jensen, Ken (2)
Jeremiah, Barbara (2)
Jesch, Emily A. (2)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.) (3)
Jett, Jim (2)
Jette, George (1)
Jewell, Ray (2)
Jinn (3)
Jogging (26)
Jogging--Training (8)
Johansen, Wallace A. (22)
Johns, Elizabeth Busch (4)
Johns, Nellie (2)
Johnsen, H. J. (2)
Johnson, Arnett (2)
Johnson, Dave (2)
Johnson, Donald (1)
Johnson, Fletcher (2)
Johnson, Frank (4)
Johnson, Herbert (3)
Johnson, Irma (1)
Johnson, James (2)
Johnson, Mabel (2)
Johnson, Rich (2)
Johnson, Robert (2)
Johnson, Ronald (2)
Johnson, Virgil (6)
Johnson, Will H. (3)
Johnston, Frances (2)
Johnston, Marjorie (2)
Johnston, Norman (4)
Joice, Don (4)
Joiner, Clyde (2)
Jones Jr., Kenneth W. (2)
Jones, Andy (6)
Jones, Buddington (4)
Jones, Carol (2)
Jones, Dick (2)
Jones, Earl (3)
Jones, Joseph (3)
Jones, Lester (2)
Jones, Louise (5)
Jones, Meg (8)
Jones, Ralph (2)
Jones, William C. (2)
Jordan, Len B. (Len Beck), 1899-1983 (3)
Journalism (73)
Journalism--Study and teaching (3)
Journalists (7)
Joyner, Myrtle (2)
Judges (33)
Judkins, Thomas Cyphert (3)
Jugglers (4)
Juggling (3)
Kallinen, Lauralie J. (1)
Kamalani, Keloni (2)
Kamyab, Nazanin (1)
Kanamori, Hanako (1)
Kang, Ryan J. (2)
Kaplan, Norman (2)
Kappa Alpha Theta (5)
Kappa Kappa Gamma (5)
Kappa Sigma Fraternity (2)
Karl W. Onthank (3)
Kawasaki, Kellie M. (2)
Kay, Ercel W. (5)
Kayaking (5)
Kazarian, Atticus J. (1)
Kazemi Naeini, Arsalan (1)
Kearcher, Tom (2)
Keelan, Virginia (2)
Keene, Clarence (10)
Keir,Amy M. (1)
Kellems, Louisa Flint (3)
Keller, Jack (9)
Kellogg, Robert (3)
Kelly, Kate S. (5)
Keltner, Harold G. (2)
Ken Metzler (3)
Kenneth (1)
Kenneth Patchen (1)
Kenney, Homer J. (3)
Kenny Moore (1)
Kensey, Mary (3)
Kent, Ernie (5)
Kern, Kathleen (3)
Kerns, Edith (13)
Kerns, Maude I. (Maude Irvine), 1876-1965 (9)
Kerr, Arthur Frederick (4)
Kerr, Carolyn (3)
Kerr, Raymond (3)
Kershner, Edward (2)
Key, Fred (2)
Keyboards (Music) (1)
Keyes, John (1)
Kienle, Clive (2)
Kimmell, Mrs. Walter (1)
Kimmell, Walter (5)
Kincaid, Maud (3)
Kinersly, Jerry (2)
King, Benjamin (2)
King, Charles D. (2)
King, Clark (2)
King, Dal (3)
Kingma, Brett M. (1)
Kingsbury, Richard (2)
Kinsey, Beulah (4)
Kircher, Dwight (2)
Kirkpatrick, Ronald (2)
Kirkwood, Mary (4)
Kirkwood, Maybelle Miller (3)
Kirsch, Don (6)
Kirsch, Walter R. (4)
Kiser, Samantha J. (2)
Kitchen, Helen A. (3)
Kitchens (1)
Kivett,Ashley E. (2)
Klobucher Jr., Victor W. (2)
Klum, Blaine (2)
Knapp, Tom (4)
Knecht, Wallis N. (2)
Knight, Philip H. (1)
Knight, Philip H., 1938- (2)
Knudsen, VictoriaA. (2)
Knutson, Gordon (6)
Koenig, Nancy (2)
Kokis, George (2)
Korn, Alfons L. (3)
Kosai, Aizo (2)
Kovacs, Margaret E. (1)
Koyl, Charles W. (2)
Kraft, Larry (2)
Krah, Gaylord (2)
Kramer, Jack, 1921-2009 (3)
Krasnova, Yulia (3)
Kraus, Francis Cooper (4)
Krause, Guy (10)
Krause, Mel (9)
Krause, Melvin (2)
Kraxberger, Allen (2)
Kubli, K. K. (6)
Kuemper, Austin C. (1)
Kuhn, Clifford (2)
Kuykendall, Sibyl (4)
Kuzman, Eugene (2)
LaRoche, George (2)
LaTour, Richard (4)
Labadie, Joseph (2)
Labbe, Louise (2)
Labor leaders (7)
Laboratories (44)
Laboratory animals (5)
Lacrosse (1)
Lacrosse for women (3)
Lacrosse players (6)
Lakes (19)
Lamb, Glen (2)
Lambert, Norbin (2)
Lampposts (20)
Landerholm, Irwin (2)
Landon, Alta (3)
Landscape photography (6)
Landscape plants (6)
Landscapes (3)
Lane, Don (2)
Lane, Mabel Reagan (3)
Laner, Henrietta (2)
Lang, Alison (8)
Langston, Jay (6)
Langston, Laurence R. (2)
Language and emotions (2)
Language and languages--Study and teaching (3)
Lanning, Randy (4)
Lariviere, Richard (1)
Larpenteur, James Albert (7)
Larsen, Kathryn J. (2)
Larson, Darrell (2)
Larson, Lewis H. (2)
Larson, Marina N. (1)
Lasselle, Dale (2)
Lauer, Barbara (4)
Lauer, E. H. (5)
Lauer, Emanuel H. (3)
Lauer, Henryette C. (2)
Laurich, Donald (2)
Laurie, James Anderson (3)
Lavey, Robert (3)
Law librarians (7)
Law students (1)
Law teachers (20)
Law--Study and teaching (19)
Lawn mowers (1)
Lawns (32)
Lawrence, Bill (8)
Lawrence, Ellis F. (Ellis Fuller), 1879-1946 (4)
Lawrence, Elsie (3)
Lawyers (36)
Lazarescu, Samantha (3)
LeGore, Ted (2)
Leader, H. G. (5)
Leavens, Dolores (2)
Leaves (22)
Lectures and lecturing (168)
Lee, Ron (11)
Lehman, Eugene (2)
Lehman, James (2)
Leigh, John (2)
Lemman, Genna (2)
Lende, Richard A. (2)
Lenzser, Katharine T. (1)
Leontyuk, Oksana (3)
Letter carriers (1)
Letters (5)
Leveille, Camill A. (2)
Levings, Frank (2)
Levis, S. Etta (9)
Lewis, Donald L. (6)
Lewis, Elizabeth Z. (2)
Lewis, Frank (2)
Lewis, John (2)
Lewis, Lisa (6)
Lewis, Ruth Gibson (2)
Libbon, George (2)
Libraries (21)
Library (2)
Liebowitz, Samuel (2)
Liebreich, Geraldine (2)
Life insurance (3)
Lill, Wayne (2)
Lind, Herman (9)
Linde, Hans A. (2)
Lindgren, Arne (1)
Linman, John (2)
Linn Louise, Sawyer (3)
Linn, Fletcher (5)
Linn, Marion (3)
Linville, Barbara J. (2)
Lionakis, George (2)
Lipton, Miriam F. (1)
Liston, Duncan (2)
Litchman, Art (4)
Lithography (10)
Litscher, Margaret (2)
Little, Doug (5)
Littlefield, Kathryn (2)
Lively, Jack (2)
Livermore, Gertrude (3)
Livingston, Jean (2)
Livingston, Ruth (1)
Livingston, William (4)
Livingstone, Ernest T. (2)
Loafers (Shoes) (2)
Lobdell, Venita Brous (2)
Locomotives (6)
Loera, Jordan E. (1)
Loewen, Rebecca M. (1)
Logue, William Clay (2)
Lokombo, Boseko (5)
Lomax, Al (3)
Lomax, Alfred L. (4)
Lomax, Nancy (3)
Lombard, Keith (2)
Lombard, Nellie (4)
Lomis, Ruby P. (3)
Long hair (1)
Long, Mike (4)
Longfellow, Pat (2)
Loo, Nancy M. (1)
Looms (6)
Loose-leaf binders (4)
Loper, Katelyn R. (3)
Lorinez, Joseph (2)
Loron, Naomi (2)
Loulien, Harold (2)
Love, Danielle M. (1)
Love, Stan (12)
Lovejoy, Esther Pohl, 1869-1967 (2)
Loyd, Johnathan M. (2)
Lucas, Richard (1)
Lucenti, Nicholas P. (1)
Luck, Harlan (2)
Lucke,Adam (2)
Luckey, Jack (1)
Luedloff, Kris (6)
Luella Carson (3)
Luggage (1)
Lundberg, Christine (1)
Lundell, John (2)
Luse, Hazel Fields (1)
Lutton, Nicholas A. (2)
Lynn, George (2)
Lyon, Stu (2)
Lyons, William (2)
Maasland, Daan (1)
Mabee, Don (1)
MacCormackWilliam (3)
MacDonald, Maude (3)
MacGregor, John M. (12)
Mack, Donald L. (2)
Macomson, Lena M. (1)
Macrum, Stella Dorris (2)
Madden, Helene (3)
Maddock, C. R. (3)
Maegly, Esther (4)
Maffie, Jonathan R. (1)
Mailboxes (2)
Main, Bob (2)
Maletis, Tom (4)
Manerud, Clifford R. (8)
Mann, Balm (2)
Mann, Elizabeth (2)
Mannville, Mrs. Ira A. (3)
Mansell, Raquel M. (3)
Manville, Ira (5)
Manville, Marcia (2)
Mapley, Iris (2)
Maps (4)
Marable, Manning, 1950-2011 (4)
March, Arley (2)
Marching bands (258)
Marine biology (2)
Marine biology--Research (2)
Mariota, Marcus A. (3)
Marks, Myla E. (3)
Marriages of celebrities (1)
Marrs, John (2)
Marsden, George B. (2)
Marsh, Chris (1)
Marsh, George Haskell (8)
Marshall, Charles Lovis (3)
Marshall, F. Ray (2)
Marshall, Gene (2)
Marshik, Archie (1)
Martin, Addie (1)
Martin, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1863-1946 (31)
Martin, Edgar (1)
Martin, Joni (4)
Martin, Raymond G. (2)
Martin, Roger (3)
Martsloff, Dr. Karl (1)
Mascots (200)
Mase, Richard D. (4)
Masking tape (1)
Mass, Merle (2)
Mass, Robert E. (2)
Massar, Fred (2)
Masters of ceremonies (13)
Mastick, Maud (3)
Mathews, C. Grace (3)
Mattern, John (2)
Matthews, Eleanor (2)
Matthias, Fred A. (2)
Matthias, Marilyn M. (2)
Maxwell, Bruce (4)
May, Lydia Alice (3)
Mayeda, Douglas K. (1)
Mayers, John (2)
Mayfield, Leonard (2)
Mayors (1)
Maypoles (6)
Mazmanyan, Tatevik (3)
McAlister, Edward Hiram (18)
McAlister, Mary (2)
McAllister, Mary (2)
McArthur, Clifton Pat (4)
McArthur, Joseph W. (6)
McCall, Jerry (2)
McCarthy, Richard (2)
McCarty, Lois (2)
McCarty, Mabel K. (3)
McCarty, Thomas (2)
McCaslin, Loren (2)
McClain, Carl A. (3)
McClain, J. B. (1)
McClain, M. F. (2)
McClain, Marion F. (3)
McClaine, Eleanor (3)
McClung, Millard (2)
McClure, Charles E. (9)
McClure, Henry F. (3)
McClure, Horace C. (6)
McClure, Ira (4)
McClure, John S. (5)
McClure, Samuel Edgar (7)
McClure, Walt (2)
McClure, Walter (14)
McClure, William E. (7)
McConnell, Clyde (2)
McCool, Erika K. (1)
McCormack, Bob (3)
McCormack, Mary (2)
McCornack, Leathe (3)
McCoy, Janis (2)
McCready, Lynn S. (2)
McCrossin, Clifford (2)
McCudden, Bernard (1)
McCulloch, Julia (1)
McDaniel, David L. Jr. (1)
McDaniel, Lonnie Jamison (1)
McDanield, Harold Melvin (2)
McDonald Theater (Eugene, Or.) (15)
McDonald, Lucille S. (3)
McDonald, Peter A. (3)
McDowell, Louisa (2)
McFarland, Alice (1)
McFarlane, Emily (2)
McGee, Loye (2)
McGee, Sam (6)
McGinnis, John (2)
McGinty, Patricia (2)
McGuirk, Walter (4)
McHolick, William J. (2)
McHugh, Phil (4)
McIntyre, Walter (1)
McKeown, Joseph A. (2)
McKinley, Arthur Patch (3)
McKinney, Walter (2)
McLaren, Ruth (3)
McLaughlin, Win (5)
McMilan, Hollis (2)
McMurray, Bryce E. (2)
McMurray, William Robert (3)
McNally, Pat (4)
McNeely, Evert B. (10)
McNutt, John (2)
Meade, Betty J. (2)
Mealey, Rick (6)
Meany, George, 1894-1980 (2)
Mears, Anya (1)
Medical students--United States (3)
Meehan, Carl (2)
Meeker, Ezra, 1830-1928 (2)
Meeker, Merton (2)
Meetings (62)
Melton, Terry (4)
Men (323)
Meredith, Helen (3)
Merritt, Arlette (2)
Metzger, Chris (2)
Metzger, Julia M. (1)
Meyer, William (2)
Mice (2)
Microphone (2)
Microscopes (2)
Microscopy (7)
Middleton, Toni (8)
Mikulak, Mike (1)
Miles, Mary Roche (1)
Military education (3)
Military uniforms (1)
Millar, W. R. (1)
Millar, Willow Fields (4)
Miller, Annie Laura (2)
Miller, Beverly (2)
Miller, Dick (2)
Miller, Donald (2)
Miller, Donna R. (2)
Miller, Jonathan J. (3)
Miller, Julie (2)
Miller, Kate M. (3)
Miller, Kenneth (3)
Miller, Leslie (1)
Miller, Nina (2)
Miller, Robert (3)
Miller, Steve (2)
Milligan, John (2)
Mills, Patty (2)
Minerals (5)
Minnis family (1)
Minora Yasui (1)
Minority students (17)
Minority women college administrators (5)
Mio, Sanford (2)
Mirrors, Beatrice (2)
Mitchell, Lloyd (2)
Mitchell, Walter (1)
Mobley, Corland (2)
Mobley, Lowell (2)
Mockford, Roger (2)
Moffat, Florence (2)
Moffat, Vera (4)
Molecular biology (2)
Molecules--Models (3)
Molony, Ron (2)
Monsebroten, Curt (2)
Monson, Don (3)
Moon--Exploration (13)
Moore, Bill (2)
Moore, Chris (2)
Moore, Dave (2)
Moore, Erin M. (3)
Moore, Eva Roche (2)
Moore, Howard Clayton (4)
Moore, Jessica L. (1)
Moore, Keith (2)
Moore, Kenny (2)
Moores, Chester (3)
Moores, Gordon Chamberlin (1)
Moores, Ralph (3)
Moorhead, George (2)
Morden, Anna (2)
Moreland, Lizzie (2)
Morgan, Ellsworth Andrews (4)
Morgan, Jean Geisler (4)
Morgan, Morris (6)
Morley, Kimberly M. (3)
Morrison, Lee (2)
Morrison, WIlliam (2)
Morse, Wayne L. (Wayne Lyman), 1900-1974 (7)
Mortar Board (Society) (3)
Morton, Ann (2)
Moshofsky, Edward W. (1)
Moshofsky, WIlliam J. (2)
Mosquitoes (4)
Moss, Jeanette (2)
Moss, Jeannette (2)
Motion pictures (64)
Motorcycles (22)
Mount, Frank (5)
Mount, Mrs. Wallace W. (4)
Mount, Wallace (3)
Mount, Wallace W. (4)
Mountaineering (3)
Mountains (6)
Mountains, Nettie Denny (3)
Mr. T (2)
Mud (3)
Mueller, Alice (2)
Mueller, Marcus T. (1)
Mulkey, Frank M. (3)
Mulkey, Fred (9)
Mullen, Ford (10)
Muller, Steve (3)
Mullet (Hairstyle) (1)
Mulligan, Albert S. (3)
Mullin, Sylvan (2)
Multnomah Athletic Club (2)
Munkhbat, Munkherdene (2)
Mural painting and decoration (51)
Murch, Herbert S. (2)
Murphy, Dennis (2)
Murphy, George (3)
Murphy, Mrs. Ray (1)
Murphy, Ray (3)
Murray, Barbara (2)
Murrow, McMicken Ann (1)
Museum exhibits (5)
Museums (15)
Music (25)
Music teachers (10)
Music--Instruction and study (30)
Musicians (13)
Musicologists (5)
Myers, Mary (2)
Myers, Mike (4)
Naapi, Clarence (2)
Nall, Gary (6)
Nameplates (Plaques) (3)
Naming ceremonies (35)
Narus,Andrew M. (1)
National Space Science Data Center (2)
National characteristics, American, in art (2)
National songs (10)
Natural history museum directors (2)
Nature (1)
Nature study (2)
Navarro Saucedo, Julian (1)
Neal, Bob (2)
Neal, Carl B. (3)
Neal, Steve, 1949- (5)
Neckties (18)
Neckwear (1)
Neeley, John (3)
Neier, Ann (2)
Neil Steinhauer (1)
Neil, Will T. (5)
Neish, Michael (2)
Nekota, Tom (2)
Nelsen, Ibsen (2)
Nelson, Carl (2)
Nelson, D. Donald (2)
Nelson, Marilyn (2)
Nemirovskaya, Julia (1)
Nesmith, Josh (5)
Ness, Barbara (2)
Nestor, Francis (1)
New Deal art (2)
Newburn, Harry Kenneth, 1906- (4)
Newland, Robert (4)
Newspaper editors--United States (3)
Newspapers (8)
Newton, Francis (4)
Nicholas, W. C. (7)
Niece, William K. (2)
Nielsen, Robert (2)
Night (8)
Nike (Firm) (2)
Nill, Herbert (2)
Nineteen nineties (1)
Nixon, Max (9)
Nobel Prize winners (15)
Noble, Samuel C. (4)
Noe, Chet (2)
Noffsinger, Ida (6)
Norris, George W. (6)
Norris, Myra (2)
Norris, Paul (2)
Northrup, Ford (3)
Norton, Genevieve S. (2)
Norton, Mae (3)
Norton, Tatum A. (1)
Notebooks (10)
Novick, Aaron, 1919-2000 (2)
Noviello, Michael (2)
Nuns (1)
Nurses (1)
Nutt, James (2)
O Heroes (Program) (73)
O'Boyle, Maya (4)
O'Brien, Jim (2)
O'Connell, Carley E. (1)
O'Connell, Ken (2)
O'Donnell, Brian K. (1)
O'Hare, Skylar (4)
O'Keeffe, Ida (2)
O'Malley, Colleen E. (1)
Oak (11)
Observatories (3)
Odisha (India)--Civilization (2)
Office equipment and supplies (3)
Office furniture (2)
Officer, Bob (6)
Offices (7)
Offord, Willard (2)
Okada, Frank S. (Frank Sumio), 1931-2000 (4)
Older men (1)
Oliveira, Rafael D. (1)
Oliver, Gerald A. (1)
Olsen, Kenneth (2)
Olsen, Mel (1)
Olson, Charles Raymond (3)
Olson, Florence Hudson (3)
Olson, Richard (2)
Olum, Paul (12)
Onthank, Karl W. (6)
Onthank, Ruth (1)
Orchestra (6)
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (3)
Oregon Shakespearean Festival (2)
Oregon--History (32,590)
Oregon--History--1859- (3)
Oregon--Maps (3)
Oregon--Politics and government (3)
Oregon--Politics and government--1951- (7)
Orel, Battle of, Orel, Orlovskaiï¸ a︡ oblastʹ, Russia, 1943 (2)
Oreomyrrhis (7)
Orestias (1)
Organ (Musical instrument) (1)
Organ (Musical instrument)--History (9)
Organ culture (3)
Organ masses (29)
Organic wastes (3)
Organic wastes as fertilizer (5)
Organism (Philosophy) (5)
Organizational behavior (3)
Organized crime--United States (3)
Organoaluminum compounds (3)
Organoberyllium compounds (11)
Organogallium compounds (7)
Organoiridium compounds (5)
Organomanganese compounds (3)
Organomolybdenum compounds (3)
Organonickel compounds (6)
Organophosphorus compounds (3)
Organorhodium compounds (3)
Organosilver compounds (5)
Organothallium compounds (3)
Organotitanium compounds (3)
Organozirconium compounds (3)
Organs (Anatomy)--Innervation (3)
Oribe pottery (15)
Oriental fruit moth (3)
Oriental languages--Study and teaching (3)
Oriental philology (3)
Oriental poetry (English) (2)
Oriental rat flea (8)
Oriental small-clawed otter (4)
Orientation (Religion) (2)
Oriente (Ecuador) (2)
Orienting mechanisms (2)
Orig dialect (Sudan) (2)
Origanum (4)
Originality (4)
Orikaka River (N.Z.) (2)
Orinoco River (Venezuela and Colombia) (4)
Orion (Constellation) (2)
Orion Nebula (2)
Oriya drama (2)
Oriya fiction (7)
Oriya poetry--To 1500 (3)
Oriya prose literature (3)
Oriya wit and humor (13)
Ormsby family (5)
Ornithischia (5)
Ornithodoros concanensis (3)
Ornithodoros hermsi (3)
Ornithodoros parkeri (3)
Ornithological literature (3)
Ornithology--Study and teaching (3)
Ornithopters (3)
Orobanchaceae (19)
Osadchuk, Svetlana (10)
Osborn, Rick (1)
Osborne, Keith (1)
Osborne, Milton (2)
Osborne, Sophie (2)
Osheroff, Noel (2)
Ossey, Bob (2)
Ostrander, Dorothy (3)
Ostrander, Garwood H. (2)
Ostrow, Paul (2)
Otgonbaatar, Munkhjin (2)
Otter, George (3)
Outdoor art (3)
Outdoor candid action group photograph (2)
Outdoor furniture (2)
Outdoor posed photographic group portrait (3)
Outfielders (Baseball) (20)
Overton, O. P. (2)
Owen, Henrietta (15)
Oxygen content (1)
Pacific Northwest Library Association (3)
Pacific Novelty Company (2)
Paddack, Rycken (2)
Painters (3)
Painting (43)
Paleontology (76)
Pallister, Francis (4)
Palmberg, Wally (2)
Palmer, William (2)
Palmquist, Oscar (2)
Palms (2)
Pappas, Samantha N. (1)
Parade floats (74)
Parades (55)
Parente, Fernando (2)
Pargeter, Harry (2)
Park, Donald (2)
Parking lots (1)
Parks, Don (6)
Parlington, Lawrence (2)
Parr, Kristen D. (1)
Parrot, Rose (2)
Parsons, David (1)
Parsons, Howard F. (5)
Parsons, Mrs. Howard (2)
Paschke, Becky (4)
Passolt, Mel (1)
Patios (2)
Patrick, Leon (2)
Pattee, Cora Estelle (2)
Patterson, Anna (3)
Patterson, Bertha Masters (2)
Patterson, Betty (2)
Patterson, Charles (4)
Patterson, Hariette (3)
Patterson, I. L. (Isaac Lee), 1859-1929 (2)
Patterson, Katherine (5)
Patterson, Paul Linton, 1900-1956 (3)
Pattison, Evelyn (2)
Pattison, John R. (3)
Patton Post Card Company (2)
Paulson, Olga (3)
Pavalunas, Matt (10)
Paxton, Richard (2)
Payne, C. A. (4)
Pearce, Robert (2)
Pearson, Lillian (3)
Pearson, William (2)
Pederson, Lester (2)
Pedestrian crosswalks (5)
Peil, Sue (2)
Pencils (1)
Pengra, Clara (2)
Percussion instruments (1)
Performances (38)
Performing arts--Audiences (2)
Perkins, Adrey (3)
Perkins, Cloan Norris (1)
Perkins, Elsie (2)
Pershall, Kenneth Q. (2)
Persons (97)
Petchakan, Monica K. (1)
Peters, Merle (1)
Peters, Susanne P. (7)
Peterson, Austin (2)
Peterson, Donald R. (6)
Peterson, Eugene (2)
Peterson, Larry (2)
Peterson, Virginia (2)
Peterson, William (2)
Phi Beta Kappa (3)
Phil Knight (3)
Philpott, Lee (2)
Photocollage (5)
Photographers (11)
Photographs (3)
Photography (6)
Photography, Abstract (39)
Photography--Equipment and supplies (1)
Physical education and training (46)
Physical education and training--Study and teaching (3)
Physical education for college students (5)
Physical education for women (5)
Physicians (17)
Physics (47)
Pi Beta Phi (4)
Pi Kappa Alpha (2)
Piazza Abba (Turin, Italy) (1)
Piccolo (8)
Pickel, Adele Jackson (6)
Pickens, Donald (2)
Pickering, Richard (2)
Pickett, Barbara (2)
Pickett, David (1)
Picnics (121)
Picture-writing (2)
Pidgeon, Wayne M. (2)
Pierce, Dick (1)
Piercy, Catherine (1)
Piercy, Kitty (1)
Pigott, Morieta Howard (5)
Piippo, Toivvo (1)
Pikovsky, Marilyn (1)
Pikovsky, Marlen (1)
Pilling, Donald (2)
Pine (2)
Pioneers (11)
Pirates (2)
Pitchers (Baseball) (10)
Pittman, Bill (2)
Planets (4)
Plants (8)
Plants, Flowering of (1)
Plein air painting (3)
Plum, Lauren N. (1)
Plummer, Elizabeth (2)
Plummer, Grace (3)
Plummer, Lu Holmes (7)
Plummer, Ross (3)
Poget, Beatrice Thurston (3)
Poley, Minnie (3)
Police (6)
Political activists (6)
Political science (12)
Politics and government (1)
Ponds (1)
Pool (Game) (1)
Pope, Kenneth (4)
Pope, Richard (2)
Popick, Alvin (4)
Poppleton, Grace May (2)
Poppleton, Irene Lincoln (3)
Poppleton, Ralph R. (3)
Porter, Bernd (2)
Porter, Frank H. (7)
Porter, Lillie (5)
Porter, Randy (2)
Portrait painting (20)
Portraits (3,081)
Portraits, Group (1,502)
Portraits--Expertising (1)
Portraits--Law and legislation (1)
Portwood, Richard (2)
Postcards (69)
Posters (5)
Potter, Edwin O. (3)
Potter, Elisabeth Walton (4)
Potter, Emily (3)
Pottery (15)
Powell, Amy (5)
Powell, Dan (2)
Powell, Edward Lincoln (5)
Powell, Herbert B., 1903-1998 (3)
Powers, Margaret (2)
Powers, Quincy (2)
Powers-Young, Mariah R. (1)
Pratt, John (2)
Prefontaine, Steve (2)
Prentice, Margaret (2)
Press conferences (9)
Price, Hemenway Nellie (4)
Price, Norman (2)
Prints--Technique (6)
Prishchenko, Elizabeth B. (1)
Pritchard, Louise Utter (8)
Pritchard, Walt (8)
Probert, Walter (2)
Proctor, Alexander Phimister, 1860-1950. Pioneer mother (2)
Proebstal, Hilda Brandt (2)
Programs (17)
Projectors (3)
Proms (2)
Proulx, Joe (2)
Psychology (3)
Pulfer, Ronald (2)
Pumpkin (1)
Purcell, James (4)
Purdy, Ken (2)
Purvine, Doris (2)
Puszcz, Nicole I. (2)
Puziss, Gertrude (2)
Pyrch, William J. (2)
Quackenbush, Arthur (1)
Quackenbush, Helen Van Duyn (4)
Quigley, Harold (4)
Raccoon (8)
Racing (1)
Radiators (2)
Rafts (73)
Railroad tracks (2)
Railroad trains (4)
Rain and rainfall (13)
Rainbows (1)
Raincoats (8)
Rainstorms (1)
Ramp, Floyd Cleveland, 1882-1984 (4)
Ramp, Patricia (2)
Ramsey, Geraldine (2)
Ranbeau, Robert (2)
Randall, Alice (1)
Ranniger, Steve (1)
Rarden, Fred (2)
Rasmussen, George (2)
Raulein, Marguerite (3)
Ravitch, Lara M. (3)
Rawlings, Richard (2)
Ray Couch (1)
Ray, Leon (3)
Read, Eugene W. (2)
Read, Lawrence A. (2)
Read, Len (2)
Reading (24)
Reading, John (2)
Reasoner, Royal F. (3)
Reaves, Jan (2)
Reavis, Maurice (2)
Recreation (18)
Reed, Harold (2)
Reeder, Francis (2)
Reeder, Lyle (1)
Reeder, Sadie Pandelick (2)
Reekie, John (2)
Rees, Judith (4)
Regan, Virginia (1)
Reginato, Victor (1)
Regner, William (1)
Reich, Milton (2)
Reichardt, Mildred Vale (3)
Reid, Edna Maud Houston (4)
Reimann, Dean (2)
Renshaw Lulu (4)
Repetto, Don (2)
Research (6)
Resk, Emma (8)
Retirement (2)
Reynolds, Charles N. (3)
Reynolds, Charlie (3)
Reynolds, Don (4)
Reynolds, Jack (2)
Reynolds, Margaret (2)
Reynolds, Pansy (1)
Reynolds, Pansy Shaver (3)
Reynolds, William (1)
Rhodes, Effie (3)
Rice, Carl (2)
Rice, Don (3)
Rice, Lyman (3)
Richard, K. Keith (8)
Richards, Matha (2)
Richey, John (2)
Richmond, Eugene (2)
Richmond, John (2)
Riddell, George (2)
Riddle, Elvin (2)
Ridings, Gordon (2)
Riebel, Al (2)
Riechers, Robert H. (2)
Riedt, Nell (2)
Riggs, Adele (2)
Riley, Lewis B. (2)
Risley, Ethel (3)
Ritchey, Mike (4)
Ritchey, Norval (4)
Rites and ceremonies (4)
Rituals (1)
Rivers (7)
Roach Dr. L. S. (3)
Roads (2)
Robb, Beatrice (2)
Robbins, Brent (2)
Robbins, Mark (2)
Robbins, Vernice Gilbertine (3)
Robert D. Clark (2)
Robert Robinson (1)
Roberto, Audrey (3)
Roberts, Anna M. (15)
Roberts, Bruce (1)
Roberts, Dalton R. (12)
Roberts, Daniel H. (9)
Roberts, Dave (6)
Roberts, Dean (4)
Roberts, Gail (2)
Roberts, Mason (1)
Roberts, Thomas M. (9)
Roberts, William J. (3)
Roberts, William Jackson (3)
Robertson, Bud (1)
Robertson, Ernest (1)
Robinson, Claude E. (Claude Everett), 1900-1961 (4)
Robley, Roy R. (2)
Rocchelli, LuciaA. (1)
Roche, Jack (4)
Roche, Johny (2)
Rocks (3)
Rodgame, Nicole (3)
Rodgers, Gordon (2)
Rogers, Kate (6)
Rohwer, Dutch (1)
Rohwer, Eggert (1)
Rolfe, Erwin M. (5)
Roller skates (2)
Romance languages (12)
Rood, Edward (2)
Rooms (127)
Rose, Eugene (2)
Rose, Velma (6)
Ross, Arthur (2)
Ross, Bill (5)
Ross, Charles V. (5)
Ross, Custer (1)
Ross, David (2)
Ross, Jerry (2)
Rosson, William B. (William Bradford), 1918- (3)
Rotunno, Nick (2)
Rourke, Roland (3)
Rowe, Charles (2)
Rowe, Chrishae D. (1)
Rowen, Gerald E. (2)
Rowing (5)
Rubenstein, Max (2)
Rubenstein, Robert (2)
Rud, Helene (2)
Ruener, Robert (2)
Runge, Jody (2)
Runners (Sports) (3)
Running (3)
Running races (2)
Runyard, Richard (2)
Rutherford, Verena Black (2)
Ruzicka, Stan (2)
S. S. Prince L. Campbell (Ship) (21)
Sagan, Carl, 1934-1996 (106)
Salholm, David (2)
Salter, Richard (2)
Saltzman, Hal (2)
Salveson, Artie (4)
Sampson, Drew A. (1)
Samuelson, Allan (1)
Sanders, Don (2)
Sandness, Earl (14)
Sarpola, Ted (12)
Sasek, Alexandria R. (3)
Savage, Carlton (4)
Savikko, Walter (2)
Sawyer, Cecile (3)
Sawyer, John (2)
Sawyer, Robert (2)
Saxophone (29)
Saxophonists (14)
Scandling, Margaret (2)
Scarlett, Timothy (3)
Sceats, Donald J. (2)
Schaff, Paul E. (2)
Schantin, George (3)
Schaufler, Rick W. (1)
Schiewe, Roger (2)
Schill, Michael H. (2)
Schiller, Miss G. Lyndall (1)
Schneider, Clifford (2)
Schoeg, Robert (2)
Schoenberg, Richard (2)
Schoeni, Arthur L. (3)
Scholarships (6)
Scholl, Virginia M. (2)
Schooling, Robert (2)
Schrack, Paul (2)
Schultz, Marilyn (2)
Schutz, Gary (2)
Schvaneveldt, Kay (6)
Science (7)
Scientific apparatus and instruments (2)
Scoggin, Frederick (2)
Scott, Bess Lewis (1)
Scott, Earl (2)
Scott, Elizabeth Lewis (1)
Scott, George (2)
Scott, H. A. (2)
Scott, Henry (2)
Scott, John H. (1)
Scott, Leslie M. (2)
Scott, Nancy (2)
Scott, Wayne (2)
Scovell, Joe H. (2)
Scuhy, Bernard (2)
Scullen, Alfred (5)
Sculpture (214)
Seal (5)
Sealey, Felton (3)
Sears, Sadie (3)
Sears, Vestella (2)
Sears, Vestella B. (2)
Secoy, Jack (2)
Seeborg, Kenneth (3)
Seeborg, Roy (2)
Seevak family (1)
Segale, Raymond G. (1)
Senior, Greg (1)
Seno, Chiari (2)
Sepulchral monuments (7)
Serruys, Lois Pixley (3)
Service learning (24)
Service, Bill (2)
Severson, Donald (2)
Severson, Mary (2)
Sexton,Autumn (2)
Sexual health (3)
Seymour, Marjorie (2)
Shade, James (2)
Shandera, Brian (2)
Sharples, Ada W. (5)
Sharples, Caspar (4)
Shaver, John W. (2)
Shaw, Michael T. (1)
Shea, James M. (6)
Shearer, Ellice (3)
Shell, Elizabeth (3)
Shepard, Roger N. (5)
Sherman, Harry (3)
Sherwood, Martha (2)
Shields, Robert (2)
Ships (23)
Shiroma, Christopher (8)
Shirts, Men's (4)
Shoe shiners (3)
Shoeni, Arthur L. (2)
Shop signs (3)
Short, Robert S. (2)
Shorts (Clothing) (10)
Shotwell, J. Arnold (4)
Shoup, Mike (8)
Shovels (3)
Shrubs (1)
Sickel, Jack (1)
Sidesinger, Quentin (4)
Sidewalks (43)
Siefert, Edith (5)
Siegmund, Wilson (1)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (7)
Sigma Alpha Mu (2)
Sigma Chi Fraternity (4)
Sigma Chi Fraternity. Beta Iota Chapter (University of Oregon) (2)
Sigma Kappa Sorority (2)
Sigma Nu (4)
Sigma Phi Epsilon (2)
Signs and signboards (26)
Silhouettes (2)
Silver, David (2)
Simonds, Anne (4)
Simple machines (3)
Simpson, Donald (2)
Sims, Clifford (3)
Singers (3)
Single people (7)
Singler, Edward J. (1)
Sires, Ernest (2)
Skei, Alfred (3)
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (2)
Skiers (1)
Skinner Butte (Or.) (4)
Skirts (3)
Skis and skiing (1)
Skowronski, Patricia N. (1)
Sky (1)
Slade, Rod (2)
Slade, Roderick L. (4)
Slater, Woodson T. (5)
Sloan, Mina (2)
Slogans (3)
Slush on pavements, runways, etc (1)
Small, Kelvin (2)
Smart, Richard (2)
Smith, Andy (2)
Smith, Bess Cowdin (3)
Smith, Bev (18)
Smith, Bud (1)
Smith, Cal (2)
Smith, Curtis (2)
Smith, Don A. (2)
Smith, Donald (2)
Smith, Dorothy (4)
Smith, Gale (3)
Smith, Gared (2)
Smith, Genevieve Thompson (2)
Smith, Gerald (2)
Smith, Harry (2)
Smith, Jack (1)
Smith, Marthe E. (2)
Smith, May (2)
Smith, Mildred (3)
Smith, Richard Shore (2)
Smith, Robert I. (1)
Smith, Ruth (4)
Smith, Tara (12)
Smoking (4)
Sneakers (17)
Snider, Angie (2)
Snider, Gwendolyn E. (9)
Snow (27)
Snow, Brooklyn I. (2)
Soccer (3)
Soccer players (3)
Social reformers (6)
Social service (8)
Sociology (11)
Socks (3)
Sockwood, Elma (3)
Softball (1)
Softball players (3)
Soils--Sampling (2)
Soils--Selenium content (1)
Soils--Silicon content (1)
Soils--Sodium content (1)
Soils--Strontium content (1)
Soils--Sulfur content (1)
Soils--Testing (1)
Soils--Testing--Computer programs (1)
Soils--Thermal properties (1)
Soils--Trace element content (1)
Soils--Vanadium content (1)
Soils--Vibration (1)
Soldiers (16)
Sommer, Elizabeth Wagner (2)
Songs, Tamang (1)
Sousaphone (4)
Southern Pacific Railroad Company (2)
Sowards, Susan (2)
Sowers, Merland (1)
Special Olympics (1)
Special Olympics Oregon (Organization) (29)
Special education teachers (3)
Spectators (43)
Speeches (6)
Speeches, addresses, etc. (2)
Spencer, Bernard E. (2)
Spencer, Carlton E. (5)
Spencer, Eliza L. (3)
Spencer, Jennie (3)
Spencer, Mrs. Carlton (1)
Spencer, S.S. (5)
Spencer, Sarah (2)
Spier, Zachary D. (1)
Spohr, Stanley (2)
Spoon, Ora (2)
Sporting goods (3)
Sports and state--Soviet Union (11)
Sports facilities (4)
Sports medicine (4)
Sports spectators (67)
Sports--Collectibles (4)
Sportscasters (1)
Sprague, Charles A. (Charles Arthur), 1887-1969 (2)
Sprinklers (3)
Sprouse & Son (3)
Srange, John (2)
St. Onge, Jean (2)
Stackpole, Florence DeBar (3)
Stadiums (2)
Stafford, Howard (4)
Stafford, Leila (2)
Stafford, Mrs. Lila Straub (1)
Stafford, O. F. (4)
Staggs, Ira (5)
Staggs, Mrs. Ira (5)
Stained glass windows (27)
Stairs (11)
Stalker, William Hyde (2)
Stamsos, Lindsey R. (3)
Stanard, Dal (3)
Standard, Joe (2)
Standifer, Larry (2)
Stanich, Simon (2)
Stanleys Eugene (1)
Stanton, Coleridge Edwin (2)
Stanwood, John E. (2)
Stapke, Mark (2)
Staples, Lloyd W. (Lloyd William), 1908-2001 (2)
Starkweather, Hugh (3)
Starnes, Bill (2)
Starr, Donald (2)
Starr, Ralph Buck (3)
Starr, Silas (3)
Stastney, Matthew M. Mike (3)
Stastny, Matthew M. (4)
Statues (12)
Staub, Lila (2)
Steelquist, Reuben (4)
Steere, Agnes Campbell (3)
Steinberg, Stanley (2)
Steiwer, Frederick W. (3)
Stellavato-Tollefson, Ruby (3)
Stenseth, Linda (2)
Stenseth, Neil (4)
Stenstrom, Marshall (1)
Stepanova, Alexandra A. (2)
Stephenson, George W. (2)
Stephenson, Mrs. G. R. (2)
Stetson, F. L. (Fred Lea), 1884- (2)
Stetson, Fred L. (2)
Stevens, Kent A. (Kent Allen) (5)
Stevens, Linn (9)
Stevens, Ralph (2)
Stevenson, Donald McCornack (1)
Stewart, Dick (4)
Stewart, Duncan (2)
Stewart, Grace Hartley (3)
Stewart, James (2)
Stewart, Jessie Prosser (3)
Stewart, L. L. Stub (4)
Stewart, Mildred Waite (5)
Stickels, Florence Thrall (5)
Still, Donald (3)
Still, Edith (3)
Stillman, Arthur B. (4)
Stimson,Alex (3)
Stoddard, Miles (2)
Stoehr, Mrs. Otto (1)
Stoehr, Otto (6)
Stoican, Mary Ann (10)
Stokeley Carmichael (2)
Stone carving (146)
Stop signs (3)
Storefronts (3)
Storet, Stanley (2)
Stovepipe Studio (1)
Strange, F. A. (2)
Strange, Mildred (2)
Straub, John (11)
Straughn, Betty (2)
Strawn, Brooke S. (1)
Streefkerk, Pieter (2)
Street art (1)
Street lighting (1)
Street signs (1)
Street vendors (3)
Streets (12)
Streetscapes (Urban design) (2)
Strike, Mary Sheila (6)
Strine, Yvonne (2)
Stringed instruments (6)
Strite, Dick (3)
Stroble, Marvin E. (2)
Strong, Earl Frank (4)
Stroup, Robert (2)
Stuart, Jim (1)
Stubblebine, James M. (2)
Student activities (3)
Student government--Elections (3)
Student housing (3)
Student registration (1)
Student unions--Oregon (12)
Students (1,259)
Students with visual disabilities (3)
Studying (11)
Stueckemann, Jana R. (1)
Suits (Clothing) (23)
Summer (2)
Sun, Woo (3)
Sun--Rising and setting (1)
Sundberg, Irma (1)
Sundberg, Norman D. (4)
Sunglasses (15)
Surgeons (8)
Surles, Leonard (1)
Surveying--Instruments (3)
Susan Campbell (23)
Sutherland, Jean (22)
Sutherland, Lawrence M. (2)
Sutton, Lloyd (2)
Svarverud, Lt Col Van (4)
Swan, Rachel Applegate (5)
Swanson, Carter A. (2)
Swanson, Lowell (2)
Swatz, Homer J. (3)
Sweaters (24)
Sweatshirts (1)
Sweeney, Vincent C. (2)
Sweeping and dusting (1)
Sweet, Laurie (2)
Sweetser, Albert R. (Albert Raddin), 1861-1940 (2)
Swenson, Hazel McKown (2)
Swift, Nellie Brown (2)
Swimming (2)
Swimming pools (2)
Swint, Janet (2)
Switzer, Gerry (1)
Sykes, Vanessa R. (1)
T-shirts (1)
Tables (4)
Taggesell, Robert (2)
Taggesell, Robert L. (4)
Talent shows (73)
Tallman, James S. (2)
Tapestry (2)
Tarbell, Tom (5)
Tassock, William (2)
Taulau, Fook (2)
Taylor, Anthony (2)
Taylor, Blanche (2)
Taylor, Dr. W. R. (3)
Taylor, Hattie (2)
Taylor, Jean (2)
Taylor, Rodnei (1)
Taylor, Scott (1)
Taylor, William (2)
Teachers (2)
Teaching (1)
Teaching--Awards (2)
Telegraph--Equipment and supplies (3)
Telephone (5)
Telephone booths (3)
Television broadcasting of sports (1)
Television broadcasting--Employees (3)
Television producers and directors (3)
Television writers (3)
Templeton, Dr. Charles L. (2)
Templeton, Harry Sumner (11)
Templeton, Robin (1)
Tennant, John (2)
Tennis (6)
Tennis courts (1)
Tennis players (10)
Tennis rackets (2)
Terjeson, Ralph S. (1)
Terpenning, Maurice (3)
Tetzner, Paul (2)
Thacher, W. F. Goodwin (William Franklin Goodwin), 1879-1972 (2)
Thanksgiving Day (1)
Thayer, Dr. Fred (3)
Thayer, Jim (2)
Theater (3)
Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery (1)
Theatrical producers and directors (7)
Thomas Condon (219)
Thomas, Ariel A. (2)
Thomas, De'Anthony M. (1)
Thomas, Earl (3)
Thomas, Kenneth (2)
Thomas, Ralph (1)
Thompson, Donald (2)
Thompson, Fred (2)
Thompson, La Verne (2)
Thompson, Lucile Cornutt (2)
Thompson, Ralph (2)
Thompson, Russell (2)
Thomsen, Karl (2)
Thornton, Dorothy (2)
Thrall, Florence (3)
Thurlow, Elvira (2)
Thurston, Alice (3)
Thurston, Sibyl (2)
Tickets (2)
Tiffany, Grace (4)
Titus, Bud (2)
Titus, Marge (2)
Tobacco pipes (15)
Tom Morrow (1)
Tom, Joseph (2)
Tools (2)
Tooze, Lamar (13)
Tougas, Ramona R. (3)
Tour Eiffel (Paris, France) (2)
Tours (1)
Tout, O. B. (2)
Townsend, Homer (2)
Townsend, Steve (2)
Townsend, Victor (2)
Towriss, Allison (10)
Tozier, Jewel (3)
Track and field (12)
Track and field athletes (10)
Track and field coaches (80)
Track and field--Records (2)
Trading cards (1)
Transparencies (1)
Transparencies--Coloring (1)
Transportation (1)
Trask, Diana (2)
Treadgold, Alva (1)
Tree planting (2)
Trees (243)
Trew, Arthur S. (4)
Trinca, Mason S. (1)
Trombone (7)
Trombonists (4)
Trophies (3)
Troxel, Richard (2)
Trumpet (11)
Trumpet players (7)
Tsai, C. H. (2)
Tschanz, Herman (4)
Tschanz, Mrs. Herman (2)
Tuba (4)
Tubists (2)
Tuchandt, Paul (2)
Tug of war (Game) (15)
Tuition (7)
Tunnels (4)
Turnbull, Stanley (2)
Turner, Oscar A. (2)
Tyo, Phyllis E. (2)
Typewriters (3)
Typewriting (3)
Tyree, Joseph E. (2)
Tyron, Greta Bristow (4)
Ubah, Lillian A (1)
Umbrellas (17)
Undergraduates (1)
Underwood, Elias (7)
Underwood, Mae (3)
Underwood, Peggy (3)
Unicycles (2)
Uniforms (3)
Unis, Richard (5)
United States. Army--Officers (3)
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (30)
United States. Interstate Commerce Commission (3)
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (65)
Universities and colleges--Administration (3)
Universities and colleges--Admission (4)
Universities and colleges--Alumni and alumnae (1,459)
Universities and colleges--Awards (3)
Universities and colleges--Employees (24)
Universities and colleges--Faculty (722)
Universities and colleges--Finance (1)
Universities and colleges--Finance--Law and legislation (1)
Universities and colleges--Honors courses (2)
Universities and colleges--Professional staff (28)
University of Oregon (32,910)
University of Oregon Trumpet Ensemble (1)
University of Oregon. Associated Students (3)
University of Oregon. Department of Geography (3)
University of Oregon. Office of the President (50)
Urban, Lewis (2)
Urban, Willis (10)
Utt, Nicholas V. (2)
Vagner, Itay (5)
Vaile, Florence (2)
Vaintrob, Elizabeth (7)
Van Dorn, Al (2)
Van Duyn, Charles Herb (1)
Van Duyn, Orven M. (3)
Van Dyke, Edward S. (2)
Van Nuys Fogel, Clyde (2)
Van Oppen, John (2)
Van Rees, Willem (5)
Van Waters, Dr. Miriam (2)
Van Wyck, Jim (2)
Vandalism (2)
Vandenberg, Jacinta C. (1)
Vassilenko, Nicolas (5)
Vawter, Vernon (1)
Vawter, William Ira (5)
Veatch, John C. (1)
Veazie, Arthur Lyle (14)
Veazie, Edith (5)
Veazie, J. C. (13)
Veazie, Julia (11)
Verbitsky, Micaela (4)
Vermillion, Bill (3)
Vernet, Laury (1)
Very Little Theatre (Eugene, Or.) (1)
Vestal, Anna Bushnell (3)
Vetter, Ed (2)
Vetter, Lisa (2)
Video recording (1)
Villard, Henry, 1835-1900 (5)
Vincent, Andrew (10)
Violinists (9)
Viteznik, Stoyan F. (2)
Vocal ensembles (1)
Vocal groups (4)
Vocational guidance (3)
Vogel, Nelda (2)
Volchok, Zollie (1)
Volk, Albert (2)
Volleyball (68)
Volleyball players (3)
Volunteers (2)
Vranizan, Fredrick (2)
Wachenheimer, Theresa Friendly (2)
Wafeq, Nabila (1)
Wagner, B. F. (4)
Wagner, Charles E. (32)
Wagoner, Kira E. (1)
Waite, Fendal (1)
Walden, Cecil (1)
Walker, Carrie (5)
Walker, Dean (4)
Walker, Dean H. (2)
Walker, Peter (2)
Walking (1)
Wall, William (2)
Walls (5)
Walls, Clarence (3)
Wally Campbell (1)
Walsh, Jennie Fry (3)
Walt Barger (1)
Walt Biddle (1)
Walton, Ada (3)
Walton, James (3)
Walton, Pauline (3)
Waltz, Arthur (2)
Waltz, Carlton (2)
Wang, Henry (2)
War memorials (2)
Warberg, Dale (5)
Warberg, Glenn (2)
Ware, Deborah (10)
Warfield, Harriet (4)
Warner, Harold (5)
Warner, Mrs. Harold J. (2)
Warren, Charles (4)
Warren, Jack (2)
Warren, John (3)
Warren, John A. (2)
Warren, Willis C. (2)
Warwick, Nell (3)
Washbowls (2)
Washburne, Col. Claude (1)
Washburne, Mrs. Claude (1)
Washington, Suzanne (8)
Water (32)
Water bottles (1)
Waterfalls (2)
Waterways (89)
Watkins, Florence (4)
Watson, Ed (2)
Watson, Gwyn (3)
Way, Terry (2)
Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics (13)
Weaver, Kali (3)
Weaver, Reid (2)
Weaving (15)
Webb, Harold (2)
Weber, Fred (2)
Weight lifting (5)
Weiner, Abe (2)
Weitz, Harrison (2)
Welch, Robert (2)
Wells, Clara Erdmann (3)
Wells, John E. (2)
Wells, Marjorie J. (2)
Wenger, Bob (2)
Wentworth, Thaddeus (1)
Werner, Frank (2)
Westberg, Gene (2)
Westergren, Algot (4)
Westerlund, Arnold (2)
Westhead, Cassie (1)
Westhead, Paul (1)
Weston, Harold (1)
Wetterstrone, Marie (4)
Whales (2)
Wheaton, Kenneth 'Kenny' T. (1)
Wheelchairs (6)
Wheeler, Andrew (2)
Wheeler, Elmer K. (2)
Wheeler, Jon C. (2)
Whirligigs (1)
Whitcomb, Helen (2)
White, Frank P. (2)
Whitman, Dick (4)
Whitman, Lawrence (3)
Whittlesey, Madge Fulton (3)
Whittlsey, W. L. (2)
Whitwer, Lacey A. (1)
Whitwer, Nathan J. (6)
Wickes, Sidney (1)
Wickham, Allan (2)
Wickham, Golda P. (2)
Wicklund, Earl (6)
Widmer, Gertrude (3)
Widmer, Joseph M. (8)
Wilban, William (2)
Wilcox, Esther (2)
Wilde, Ernest M. (3)
Wilder, Taylor E. (1)
Wiley, Lucia (2)
Wiley, Nan (2)
Wiley, Roger (5)
Wilkins, Maude (13)
Willcox, W. R. B. (Walter Ross Baumes) (10)
Willett, Gerald (1)
William Boyd Beaty (3)
Williams, Barbara K. (2)
Williams, Benjamin H. (2)
Williamson, Stan (4)
Willis, Carl (2)
Willis, Glenn D. (2)
Willis, Jim (2)
Willis, Lora Pummill (2)
Willson, Valerie (2)
Wilson, Dewey (2)
Wilson, Dow (8)
Wilson, Dr. Joseph G. (2)
Wilson, Elberta (2)
Wilson, Elliott (1)
Wilson, Hugh (1)
Wilson, Joyce (2)
Wilson, Kate (3)
Wilson, Meredith (2)
Wilson, O. Meredith (2)
Wilson, O. Meredith, 1909-1998 (2)
Wiltberger family (2)
Wiltshire, Eric S. (4)
Winans, Ronald (2)
Winchell, Wilcey (2)
Winchester, Alice Parrish (3)
Windows (4)
Wine bottles (1)
Wine in art (1)
Wine in bookplates (1)
Wine in literature (1)
Winetrout, Art (1)
Wingard, Sylvester (2)
Winslow, Walter (3)
Winslow, Walter C. (3)
Winter (6)
Winter, Helen (2)
Wintermeier, C.A. (25)
Wintermute, Urgel (18)
Wire fencing (2)
Wise, Mike (4)
Witt, Marvin (2)
Woerndle, Joseph (4)
Wolf, Steve (4)
Wolfe, David H. (2)
Women (223)
Women athletes (9)
Women baseball players (9)
Women basketball players (218)
Women coaches (Athletics) (3)
Women college administrators (2)
Women college athletes (9)
Women college students (6)
Women educators (3)
Women in higher education (5)
Women musical theater producers and directors (3)
Women swimmers (21)
Women's studies (3)
Wonse, Achara (2)
Wood, Laura Clither (2)
Wood, LeRay (4)
Wood, Raymond G. (2)
Wood, William (1)
Woodcock, A. C. (5)
Woodruff, Warren (2)
Woodworth, L. E. (13)
Woodworth, Lloyd E. (1)
Word processors (1)
Workshops (7)
World War, 1914-1918 (3)
World War, 1939-1945 (2)
Worthington, Dale (3)
Wrecking (1)
Wren, Robert (4)
Wright, Elizabeth (2)
Wright, F. Gibson (2)
Wrist watches (6)
Writing (1)
Writing materials and instruments (2)
Wyatt, John (2)
Wyatt, Kenneth E. (2)
Xylophone (5)
Yantis, John (1)
Yawning (1)
Yen, Daisy (5)
Yen, Tai-Ju (5)
York, Carson D. (1)
York, Rhone (2)
Yosau, Louise (13)
Young, David (2)
Young, David K. (2)
Young, Harold (3)
Young, J. F. (2)
Young, Janet (3)
Young, Joseph (7)
Young, Randall (2)
Young, Sig. A. (2)
Young, Wilma (3)
Yurishcheva, Anastasia 'Stacy' E. (7)
Zabell, Trent (2)
Zach, Jan, 1914-1986 (4)
Zaik, Saul (2)
Zeider, Dick (2)
Zhang, Qianguang, 1908-1947 (2)
Zhao, Ziyuan (2)
Ziegler, Dr. Fred (3)
Zimmerman, Howard (5)
Zimmerman, Mrs. Howard (2)
Zurcher, Hal (2)
Zurflush, Alan (2)
babushkas (1)
candid portraits (4)
cellulose nitrate film (1)
houndstooth (1) (3) (3) (2) (10) (1) (3) (10) (5) (2) (1) (3) (1) (3) (5) (14) (3) (6) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (4) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (7) (7) (18) (2) (51) (4) (47) (1) (1) (1) (3) (42) (63) (13) (21) (1) (4) (50) (3) (1) (3) (2) (1) (1) (4) (1) (1) (4) (7) (5) (1) (9) (2) (2) (30) (46) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
indoor candid portraits (4)