Building Oregon
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Work provided by University of Oregon

Rutherford, Otto and Verdell, House (Portland, Oregon)

Alternative Title
  • Rutherford House (Portland, Oregon)
  • 1905
  • National Register of Historic Places (Listed, 2015)
  • The Otto and Verdell Rutherford House, a modest bungalow that served as a family home and support center for civil rights causes for more than half a century, is believed to be the first historic property in Oregon listed primarily for its association with the Civil Rights Movement. It was home to three generations of the Rutherford family, each of which was active in civil rights in Portland. William Rutherford and his brother Henry moved to Portland from Columbia, South Carolina in 1897 to work as barbers in the prestigious Portland Hotel. In 1923 William moved into the 1905 house on Shaver Street in the King neighborhood of Albina. Here William and his wife Lottie raised their four children, including their third son Otto, instilling in them a love of community and respect for education and hard work. Otto and Verdell moved back into the family home upon their marriage in 1936 and began their life of activism. A high point in their careers occurred in 1953, when Oregon’s Public Accommodations Act, under the sponsorship of then Representative Mark O. Hatfield, was passed. This landmark legislation occurred when Otto Rutherford was president of the Portland Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Verdell was secretary, positions they held for several years. The Rutherford house, where Otto and Verdell raised their three children, was the location of much organizing for civil rights in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as being the first home of the NAACP Credit Union. In later years, the Rutherfords worked arduously to document the history of the African American community in Portland. This collection, donated by daughter Charlotte Rutherford, is now housed in Portland State University’s Special Collections & University Archives. The Rutherfords also participated as community historians in the Bosco-Milligan Foundation’s inventory of African American properties in Portland in the late 1990s. Otto died in 2000 and Verdell followed shortly thereafter, in 2001. The house is still held by the family. Source: Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.
  • South (front) and east elevations
View Date
  • 2014
  • 1900-1909
Work Type
Style / Period
Street Address
  • 833 Northeast Shaver Street, Portland, Oregon
Use Restrictions
  • This image is provided by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the UO Libraries to facilitate scholarship, research, and teaching. Please credit the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office when using this image. For other uses, such as commercial publication, please contact the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.
Rights Holder
  • Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
  • OR_MultnomahCounty_RutherfordHouse_0015
  • Oregon. State Historic Preservation Office
Submission Date
  • 12/11/2015
  • 08/01/2022


Building Oregon, University of Oregon. (26 Sep 2024). Rutherford, Otto and Verdell, House (Portland, Oregon) Retrieved from


Building Oregon, University of Oregon. "Rutherford, Otto and Verdell, House (Portland, Oregon)" Oregon Digital. 26 Sep 2024.


Building Oregon, University of Oregon. "Rutherford, Otto and Verdell, House (Portland, Oregon)" Oregon Digital. Accessed 2024-09-26.


{{cite web | url= | title= Rutherford, Otto and Verdell, House (Portland, Oregon) |author= |accessdate= 2024-09-26 |publisher= }}
Data Sources
Footer Number Term External URI
1 unknown
2 Greene, David
3 Architecture--United States
4 Architecture, American
5 architecture (object genre)
6 dwellings
7 built works
8 houses
9 Craftsman (style)
10 Portland >> Clackamas/Multnomah/Washington Counties >> Oregon >> United States
11 University of Oregon

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